The augmented reality in the educational sphere of student of degree in chilhood education. Case Study

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Marín Díaz, V. (2017). The augmented reality in the educational sphere of student of degree in chilhood education. Case Study. Pixel-Bit. Revista De Medios Y Educación, (51), 7–19.


The Augmented Reality presents itself in this last decade as an emerging technology that will promote the redesign of new educational methodologies. This research presented here brings forward the value that the pre service teachers have about this, inside the teaching action with children from 3 to 6 years. Using a descriptive and inferential study and using a questionnaire create ad hoc, composed by 31 items, of which, 3 referring to descriptive variables of sample and the remaining 28 gived answered to the objectives of the study. The simple was conformed by the student of Grade of Childhood education in the University of Cordova. The principal result is that AR can be a useful tool in the childhood education, enhancing the creativity of pupils, and the communication between them. Therefore we can conclude that their inclusion in the classroom methodology will revert positively in the teaching and learning process of children.


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