Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the manual classical numerical methods are considered and algorithms for the decision of systems of the ordinary differential equations (ODE), nonlinear and linear algebraic equations (NAU and LAU), and also ways of ensuring reliability and demanded accuracy of results of the decision. Ideas, which still not are stated are reflected in textbooks on calculus mathematics, namely: decision systems the ODE without reduction to a normal form of Cauchy resolved rather derivative, and refusal from any numerical an equivalent - nykh of transformations of the initial equations of mathematical models and is- the hodnykh of data because such transformations can change properties of models at a variation of coefficients in corresponding urav- neniyakh. It is intended for students, graduate students and teachers of higher education institutions in the direction of preparation "Informatics and computer facilities". The grant will also be useful for engineers and scientists on the corresponding specialties.


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