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Research Article

The impact of condom use on the HIV epidemic

[version 2; peer review: 2 approved]
PUBLISHED 11 Feb 2022
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Background: Condom promotion and supply was one the earliest interventions to be mobilized to address the HIV pandemic. Condoms are inexpensive and provide protection against transmission of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases (STIs) as well as against unintended pregnancy. As many as 16 billion condoms may be used annually in all low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). In recent years the focus of HIV programs as been on testing and treatment and new technologies such as PrEP. Rates of condom use have stopped increasing short of UNAIDS targets and funding from donors is declining.
Methods: We applied a mathematical HIV transmission model to 77 high HIV burden countries to estimate the number of HIV infections that would have occurred from 1990 to 2019 if condom use had remained at 1990 levels.
Results: The results suggest that current levels of HIV would be five times higher without condom use and that the scale-up in condoms use averted about 117 million HIV infections.
Conclusions: HIV programs should ensure that affordable condoms are consistently available and that the benefits of condom use are widely understood.


Condoms, HIV prevention, modeling

Revised Amendments from Version 1

This version has updates that respond to reviewers comments. It adds detail on data sources, more detail on the equations and expands the discussion.

See the authors' detailed response to the review by Akira Shibanuma
See the authors' detailed response to the review by Innocent Modisaotsile and Willis Odek


The distribution and promotion of condoms has been a part of efforts to prevent HIV transmission since the beginning of the HIV response. Early programs often focused on ABC (Abstinence, Be faithful, use Condoms). Condoms provide triple protection, against the transmission of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections as well protection against unintended pregnancy1. Condom social marketing programs were the first HIV programs to reach national scale in many countries. The number of condoms distributed through social marketing programs increased from about 590 million annually in 1991 to 2.5 billion by 2012 before declining to about 1.7 billion in 20192. Across 55 countries with a recent national household survey as part of the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) or AIDS Indicator Surveys (AIS) about 60 percent of men reported using a condom the last time they had sex with a non-marital, non-cohabiting partner and 65 percent report using a condom the last time they visited a sex worker (Table 1).

Table 1. Reported rates of condom use at last sex with a higher risk partner and with a sex worker.

CountryYear and
condom use
at last higher
risk sex
condom use
at last paid
CountryYear and surveyPercentage
condom use
at last higher
risk sex
use at last
paid sex
Albania2017–18 DHS5865Kenya2014 DHS7674
Angola2015–16 DHS5371Kyrgyz Republic2012 DHS8395
Armenia2015–16 DHS8284Lesotho2014 DHS7790
Azerbaijan2006 DHS3553Liberia2013 DHS4261
Benin2017–18 DHS3644Madagascar2008–09 DHS1313
Bolivia2008 DHS5089Malawi2015–16 DHS7375
Burkina Faso2010 DHS7433Mali2018 DHS3970
Burundi2016–17 DHS5155Moldova2005 DHS54
Cambodia2014 DHS7482Mozambique2015 AIS4731
Cameroon2018 DHS6383Myanmar2015–16 DHS7777
Chad2014–15 DHS4250Namibia2013 DHS8067
Colombia2015 DHS7185Nepal2016 DHS6893
Comoros2012 DHS6065Niger2012 DHS64
Congo2011–12 DHS5875Nigeria2018 DHS6574
Congo Democratic
2013–14 DHS3134Papua New
2016–18 DHS3348
Cote d'Ivoire2011–12 DHS6363Philippines2003 DHS2436
2013 DHS7180Rwanda2014–15 DHS6665
Eswatini2006–07 DHS67Sao Tome and
2008–09 DHS6176
Ethiopia2016 DHS5181Senegal2019 DHS72
Gabon2012 DHS7583Sierra Leone2019 DHS2357
Gambia2013 DHS6769South Africa2016 DHS7383
Ghana2014 DHS3944Tanzania2011–12 AIS60
Guatemala2014–15 DHS6880Timor-Leste2016 DHS3440
Guinea2018 DHS5072Togo2013–14 DHS6162
Guyana2009 DHS7282Uganda2016 DHS6273
Haiti2016–17 DHS6390Ukraine2007 DHS6284
Honduras2011–12 DHS6132Vietnam2005 AIS73
India2015–16 DHS4148Zambia2018 DHS5456
Indonesia2012 DHS34Zimbabwe2015 DHS8290

Note: ‘Higher risk sex’ refers to sex with a non-marital, non-cohabiting partner. Blank cells represent missing data. Data accessed on May 24, 2017 through the StatCompiler tool available from the Demographic and Health Survey project at

In all low- and middle-income countries about 16 billion condoms are used annually with about 7.5 billion used primarily for HIV prevention1. Since these figures are based on self-reports of condom use, they may over-state actual use. However, it is clear that large numbers of condoms have been procured and/or distributed with the intention of helping users prevent HIV transmission.

Studies have shown condoms to be highly effective against HIV3, other sexually transmitted infections4 and unintended pregnancy5. Consistent use is required to maximize an individual’s protection. However, even inconsistent use will provide some benefit that can be large at a population-level6.

Across all DHS surveys about three-fifths of people report relying on the public sector for their condom supply. Social marketing programs provide nearly 2 billion condoms each year (, about Thus, international donor and national government funding for condom purchase, distribution and promotion plays a large role in supporting the widespread use of condoms.

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the global impact of condoms on the HIV epidemic through both retrospective and prospective analyses.


We used a publicly available mathematical simulation model, the Goals model7, to examine the impact of past and future condom use on the AIDS epidemic in 77 high burden countries. We used version 6.06 of the Goals model, which is available for free download at The source code for the calculations is available as Extended data8. This is the same model that was used to estimate epidemiological impact for the new UNAIDS Global HIV Strategy9.

Goals is a simulation model that calculates HIV transmission among different population risk groups (monogamous heterosexual couples, those with multiple heterosexual partners, female sex workers and clients, men who have sex with men (MSM), and people who inject drugs (PWID)) on the basis of their behaviors (number of partners, contacts per partner, condom use, age at first sex, needle sharing) and characteristics that influence transmission (presence of other sexually transmitted infections, stage of infection, male circumcision, and use of antiretroviral therapy (ART) and pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)). The model uses data on behaviors drawn from national surveys, such as DHS, and program data on the coverage of ART and programs to prevent mother-to-child transmission, PMTCT, from UNAIDS’ HIV database. The model is fit to official estimates of HIV prevalence trends for each county, also available from UNAIDS.

HIV transmission is calculated as a function of epidemiological factors and the behavioral factors listed above. For uninfected people in each risk group, the probability of becoming infected in a year is given by the following equation:

Ps,r,t =   {1-[Prevs’,r,t × (1-rs × Ss,r,t × STIs,r,t × MCt × Cr,t × PrEPs,r,t × ARTs,r,t)a + (1-Prevs’,r,t)]n}


Ps,r,t         = Annual probability of becoming infected for a person of sex s in risk group r at time t

Prevs’,r,t   = HIV prevalence in the partner population in risk group r at time t

rs             = probability of transmission per sex act by type of act (heterosexual, homosexual)

Ss,r,t        = multiplier based on the stage of infection (primary stage, chronic stage or late stage)

MCr,t      = multiplier based on male circumcision status

STIr,t      = multiplier based on STI prevalence

Cr,t         = multiplier based on condom use

PrEPr,s,t  = multiplier based on the use of PrEP

ARTs,t    = multiplier based on ART use

ar,t          = number of acts per partner per year in risk group g at time t

nr,t          = number of partners per year in risk group g at time t

The multipliers on the probability of infection per act (MC, C, PrEP and ART) are based on the probability of circumcision, condom, PrEP or ART use and the effectiveness of each in preventing the transmission of HIV. Effectiveness rates used in this analysis are 0.6 for male circumcision1012, 0.8 for condoms3, 0.8 for PrEP1316 and 0.95 for ART17. The probability of infection per act and the STI and stage of infection multipliers are selected from within published ranges to best fit the epidemic in each country. Ranges are 0.0008 – 0.0016 for the probability of infection per act18,19, 2–11 for STIs20,21, 0.8–44 for primary stage infection2224 and 4–12 for symptomatic stage infection22. The number of contacts per partner and the number of partners per year are exponents in the equation to convert the risk per act into a cumulative risk of infection across all acts and all partners. Condom coverage represents the percentage of sexual acts that involve condom use. Since the model does not track individuals separately, it does not distinguish between consistent and inconsistent use. Each condom used has the effect of reducing the probability of transmission for that act. The cumulative impact across all acts is the net effect of condom use7.

We applied the Goals model to 77 countries that together account for 94% of new infections globally in 2019 ( and then scaled-up the result to correspond to the global epidemic. The full list of countries included is in Underlying data8. The model is implemented for each individual country by using country-specific data for demographic indicators (base year population, fertility, mortality, and migration) (, behavioral indicators (number and type of partners, condom use) from national household surveys (, and HIV program data (number of people on ART and number of women receiving prophylaxis to prevent mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) and number of male circumcisions) ( The model is fit to data on prevalence from surveys, surveillance, and routine testing by varying the epidemiological parameters within published ranges. The ranges used for the epidemiological parameters and the fitted values by country are provided in the underlying data.Historical trends in condom use by population group were estimated from self-reported condom use in DHS. Reported condom use in commercial sex was used for sex worker contact, reported use among those engaging in higher-risk sex was used for those with multiple partners and reported condom use for contraception was used for those with one partner. Information on the size of key populations is from the UNAIDS Key Population Atlas (

Once the model was fit to each country’s actual epidemic we conducted three analyses: (1) a retrospective analysis that estimates the number of additional HIV infections that would have happened if condom use rates stayed constant from 1990 to 2019, (2) a prospective analysis that compares the number of new HIV infections expected to occur between 2020 and 2030 if condom use rates remain at 2019 levels or increase to reach UNAIDS targets of 95% of casual and sex work contacts protected by condom use by 2025, and (3) a prospective analysis that compares constant condom use rates from 2019 to 2030 with a future where all key HIV interventions increase to UNAIDS targets by 203025 for key populations (sex workers, MSM, PWID, transgender people and prisoners), adolescent girls and young women, adolescent boys and young men, adults aged 25+, HIV-positive pregnant women and people living with HIV. Comprehensive services are targeted to the appropriate populations and include testing, treatment, condoms provision, needle and syringe exchange, opioid substitution therapy, PrEP, PEP comprehensive sexuality education, economic empowerment, voluntary medical male circumcision and prevention of mother-to-child transmission. These scenarios are illustrated in Table 2.

Table 2. Scenario descriptions.

ScenarioCondom coverageCoverage of other
prevention interventions
Retrospective: 1990–2019
-    CounterfactualConstant at 1990 levelsActual
-    ActualActualActual
Prospective: 2020–2030
-    CounterfactualConstant at 2019 levelsConstant at 2019 levels
-    Condom scale-up95% of casual and sex work contacts
protected by condoms by 2025
Constant at 2019 levels
-    UNAIDS targets95% of casual and sex work contacts
protected by condoms by 2025
Scale up to all UNAIDS
targets by 2025

We tested the sensitivity of the model results to the assumed effective of condoms in averting HIV infection by also running simulations with the effectiveness of condoms set to the low end of the 95% confidence interval (0.50) and with the high end (0.94).


According to UNAIDS estimates, the annual number of new HIV infections worldwide increased to a peak of about 2.8 million around 1998 and then declined to 1.7 (1.2 – 2.2) million by 201926. Model simulations with no increase in condom use rates after 1990 project that the annual number of new HIV infections would have increased to nearly 11 million by 2019 (Figure 1).


Figure 1. Number of new HIV infections with and without historical scale-up of condom use.

The difference between the lines represents 117 million infections averted from 1990–2019 due to increased condom use. Without the condom scale-up the cumulative number of new infections would have been 160 percent larger. About 45% of the estimated infections averted are in sub-Saharan Africa, 37% in Asia and the Pacific, 10% in Latin America and the Caribbean and 4% each in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia region and the Western and Central Europe and North America region. Impact for each of the modeled countries is shown in the Underlying data8. The largest absolute impacts, in terms of infections averted, are seen in the countries with the largest populations or highest prevalence (South Africa, India, China, Kenya and Tanzania) while the highest relative impact occurs in countries with low burden currently where condom use helped to avert a larger epidemic (Guatemala, China, United Kingdom, Italy, Mongolia and Bangladesh).

The sensitivity analysis of condom effectiveness indicates that the estimate of 117 million infections averted could be as low as 70 million or as high as 130 million.

We do not know how many condoms were used globally between 1990 and 2019 but if we assume that condom use was very low in 1990 and scaled up to near today’s rates by 2010 and remained approximately constant from 2010 to 2019, then total condom consumption for HIV prevention would have been around 160 billion for that period. This implies a global average of about 1300 condoms per infection averted. At an average cost per condom distributed of about $0.1827 the cost per infection averted by condoms during 1990–2019 is about $230.170

Figure 2 shows the two projections from 2019 to 2030. If condom use rates remained at their 2019 levels and all other interventions also had constant coverage, then the annual number of new HIV infections would rise slowly due to constant incidence and a growing population. If condom use rates scaled-up everywhere to the UNAIDS target of 95% of all risky sex acts and all other prevention interventions remained at 2019 coverage levels, then the number of new infections would decline to 1.1 million 2030. The difference between these two lines indicates that condom scale-up would avert about 3.6 million HIV infections over that period, about 20% of those that would occur without condom scale-up. Figure 2 also shows that the rapid scale-up of condom use could produce about one-third the impact as the full UNAIDS strategy, which scales up all the intervention mentioned above to UNAIDS targets.


Figure 2. Number of new HIV infections in the future under three scenarios.


Condom use has increased dramatically since the beginning of the HIV epidemic. Today, approximately 16 billion condoms are used annually to prevent infections and unintended pregnancies. Condom use has impacted the HIV epidemic and avoided a much worse HIV epidemic than has actually evolved. Condoms can play a key role in future efforts, such as the Fast-Track initiative to end AIDS as a public health threat by 203028.

The number of HIV new infections under the retrospective counterfactual scenario of no increase in condom use after 1990, which reaches 11million by 2019, is quite high compared to the actual level of about 1.7 million. But this just illustrates the benefits of early intervention. Early increases in condom use among key populations, in particular sex workers and their clients, as well as with non-regular partners has slowed early transmission and helped to avert a much larger epidemic in the general population.

There are several limitations to this analysis. We rely on self-reports of condom use in national surveys that may over-state actual use. The effectiveness of condoms depends on correct and consistent use but measures of these factors are not well developed. Our modeling estimates the impact of condom use in aggregate population groups but does not model individual behavior. Using these data our models can replicate historical epidemic trends in the countries modeled but that does not ensure that they are correct. Findings of this analysis are, however, broadly consistent with other mathematical modelling analyses of the impact of condom use29,30. Estimates of the size of key populations in each country are based on small sample surveys which may not be representative of the entire country. Estimates of the number of acts per partner are based on small studies or potentially unreliable self-reports. To some extent, these limitations are addressed by fitting the model to historical data on prevalence. While the fitting does not guarantee that all the inputs are correct, it does ensure that the set of inputs is sufficient to replicate the historical epidemic. In spite of above-mentioned limitations, the case for the importance of condoms as an ongoing component of HIV programming is compelling.

Previous modeling studies have shown the impact of historical condom scale-up in specific populations in specific-countries including sex workers in Benin31 and MSM in Beijing, China32. Other studies have modeled the potential impact of programs to scale-up condom use, including adolescents in the United States33 and hypothetical but representative settings34. All found significant impacts of condom use, but none examined the global impact. Condoms are a good investment. The total cost to prevent one new HIV infection with condoms is small compared to life-time costs of treatment meaning that condom investments now will save future expenditures on treatment. Since many people rely on free or subsidized condoms, it is crucial to ensure adequate funding for condom programs, including demand creation activities and frequent behavioral data collection.

While condoms are not a magic bullet that alone can control the HIV epidemic, they remain a critical part of the prevention response. Scale-up of condoms use is a necessary component to reach the UNAIDS global targets9 and any reduction in support for condoms would seriously affect the changes of achieving those targets. Unfortunately, support for condom social marketing programs has been decreasing in recent years35. International and domestic financing should continue to support general population condom programs even as new technologies are introduced that are targeted to the highest risk populations. Condom programs remain among the most cost-effective interventions in the response and provide other health benefits including prevention of other sexually transmitted infections and protection against unwanted pregnancies1. Past experience has shown that we do know how to promote and distribute condoms and that many people will use them if they are available. Recent declines in condom investments especially around demand creation implies that the younger generation have not been exposed to relevant condom promotion and condom use skills, a worrisome trend given the relative size of young populations in low- and middle-income countries.

Data availability

Underlying data

Zenodo: JGStover/Data-for-condom-impact-paper-on-Gates-Open-Research: Impact of condoms.

This project contains the following underlying data:

  • Appendix Table 1.csv (number of new HIV infections by country from 1990–2019 according to actual trends or a counterfactual scenario in which rates of condom use remain at 1990 levels)

Zenodo: JGStover/Data-for-condom-impact-paper-on-Gates-Open-Research: Impact of condoms.

This project contains the following extended data:

  • - Parameter ranges used for model fitting.docx (the ranges for key epidemiological factors used in model fitting)

  • - Fitted parameter values by county.docx (final fitted values for key epidemiological parameters for each country)

  • - Calculation code (the Delphi code for the simulation calculations in the Goals in .PAS format)

Data are available under the terms of the Creative Commons Zero "No rights reserved" data waiver (CC0 1.0 Public domain dedication).

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Stover J and Teng Y. The impact of condom use on the HIV epidemic [version 2; peer review: 2 approved] Gates Open Res 2022, 5:91 (
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Open Peer Review

Current Reviewer Status: ?
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ApprovedThe paper is scientifically sound in its current form and only minor, if any, improvements are suggested
Approved with reservations A number of small changes, sometimes more significant revisions are required to address specific details and improve the papers academic merit.
Not approvedFundamental flaws in the paper seriously undermine the findings and conclusions
Version 2
PUBLISHED 11 Feb 2022
Reviewer Report 18 Mar 2022
Akira Shibanuma, Department of Community and Global Health, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan 
Thank you very much for addressing the comments made in the previous round. The following is a minor comment related to the comment made in the previous round.

Response: We do provide a citation for the full ... Continue reading
Shibanuma A. Reviewer Report For: The impact of condom use on the HIV epidemic [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]. Gates Open Res 2022, 5:91 (
NOTE: it is important to ensure the information in square brackets after the title is included in all citations of this article.
Reviewer Report 25 Feb 2022
Innocent Modisaotsile, United Nation Population Fund, UNFPA, New York, NY, USA 
Willis Odek, UNFPA, New York, NY, USA 
Thanks a lot for sharing with us the latest version. We have reviewed it and ... Continue reading
Modisaotsile I and Odek W. Reviewer Report For: The impact of condom use on the HIV epidemic [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]. Gates Open Res 2022, 5:91 (
NOTE: it is important to ensure the information in square brackets after the title is included in all citations of this article.
Version 1
PUBLISHED 09 Jun 2021
Reviewer Report 05 Nov 2021
Akira Shibanuma, Department of Community and Global Health, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan 
Approved with Reservations
This study developed a mathematical model for the incidence of HIV infection in 77 high HIV burden countries to estimate the difference in the incidence between the cases of the actual and hypothetical condom coverage among risk populations of HIV ... Continue reading
Shibanuma A. Reviewer Report For: The impact of condom use on the HIV epidemic [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]. Gates Open Res 2022, 5:91 (
NOTE: it is important to ensure the information in square brackets after the title is included in all citations of this article.
  • Author Response 11 Feb 2022
    John Stover, Center for Modeling and Analysis, Avenir Health, Glastonbury, 06033, USA
    11 Feb 2022
    Author Response
    Reviewer #2
    Akira Shibanuma, Department of Community and Global Health, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan 

    This study developed a mathematical model for the incidence of ... Continue reading
  • Author Response 11 Feb 2022
    John Stover, Center for Modeling and Analysis, Avenir Health, Glastonbury, 06033, USA
    11 Feb 2022
    Author Response
    Reviewer #2
    Akira Shibanuma, Department of Community and Global Health, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan 

    This study developed a mathematical model for the incidence of ... Continue reading
Reviewer Report 01 Jul 2021
Innocent Modisaotsile, United Nation Population Fund, UNFPA, New York, NY, USA 
Willis Odek, UNFPA, New York, NY, USA 
Approved with Reservations
This study presents a retrospective (since 1990) and prospective (up to 2030) analysis of the role of condoms in averting new HIV infections using the Goal Model in 77 countries. The model parameters are clearly spelled out and justified. The ... Continue reading
Modisaotsile I and Odek W. Reviewer Report For: The impact of condom use on the HIV epidemic [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]. Gates Open Res 2022, 5:91 (
NOTE: it is important to ensure the information in square brackets after the title is included in all citations of this article.
  • Author Response 11 Feb 2022
    John Stover, Center for Modeling and Analysis, Avenir Health, Glastonbury, 06033, USA
    11 Feb 2022
    Author Response
    Reviewer # 1
    Innocent Modisaotsile, United Nation Population Fund, UNFPA, New York, NY, USA
    Willis Odek, UNFPA, New York, NY, USA

    This study presents a retrospective (since 1990) and prospective (up ... Continue reading
  • Author Response 11 Feb 2022
    John Stover, Center for Modeling and Analysis, Avenir Health, Glastonbury, 06033, USA
    11 Feb 2022
    Author Response
    Reviewer # 1
    Innocent Modisaotsile, United Nation Population Fund, UNFPA, New York, NY, USA
    Willis Odek, UNFPA, New York, NY, USA

    This study presents a retrospective (since 1990) and prospective (up ... Continue reading

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Version 2
Alongside their report, reviewers assign a status to the article:
Approved - the paper is scientifically sound in its current form and only minor, if any, improvements are suggested
Approved with reservations - A number of small changes, sometimes more significant revisions are required to address specific details and improve the papers academic merit.
Not approved - fundamental flaws in the paper seriously undermine the findings and conclusions

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