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Research Article

Cigarette consumption in adult dual users of cigarettes and e-cigarettes: a review of the evidence, including new results from the PATH study

[version 1; peer review: 1 approved with reservations]
PUBLISHED 19 Jun 2020
Author details Author details


Background:  Modelling disease risk from e-cigarette use requires knowing how much e-cigarette uptake affects a smoker’s cigarette consumption.  From Waves 1-3 of the US PATH study and other evidence, we sought answers to three questions: (Q1) Does consumption differ between dual users and exclusive smokers?  (Q2) Does initiating e-cigarettes affect cigarette consumption?  (Q3) Is baseline consumption related to later initiation of e-cigarettes?
Methods:  Consumption data from PATH were corrected for clear recording errors, with e-cigarette use classified as established or every day, and adjustment made for demographics, use of alcohol, drugs and other tobacco products, and age of starting smoking.  Searches identified other studies published since 2008, with Q1 answered from cross-sectional studies, and Q2 and Q3 also from prospective studies. 
Results: (Q1) In PATH, consumption in current every day e-cigarette users was 2-3 cigarettes per day lower in dual users, with no difference seen in established users.  From 31 published studies, consumption was no lower in dual users for current or ever e-cigarette users.  (Q2) In PATH study consistent decreases in consumption occurred in those becoming every day dual users with increases seen in those reverting to exclusive smoking.  Thirteen published studies consistently showed reduced consumption in those becoming dual users.  (Q3) Three studies consistently showed greater consumption in smokers subsequently initiating e-cigarettes, but no significant difference was seen for PATH. 
Conclusions:  Assessment is complicated by the few every day e-cigarette users in PATH, and between-study variability in quantifying e-cigarette use and presentation of results. As taking up e-cigarettes is associated with reducing consumption, finding no clear cross-sectional difference between dual users and exclusive smokers suggests smokers taking up e-cigarettes had higher consumption initially, limited evidence supporting this.  Given the much lower disease risk of e-cigarettes vs. cigarettes, smokers becoming dual users should somewhat reduce their disease risk.


Smoking, E-cigarettes, Dual use, Cigarette consumption


CC, cigarette consumption; CI, confidence interval; OR, odds ratio; PATH, Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health; RRTP, reduced-risk tobacco product; SE, standard error.


Various population health impact models have been developed to estimate the extent to which mortality is reduced following the introduction of a reduced-risk tobacco product (RRTP). In many applications of one approach (Lee et al., 2017) it is assumed that adult dual users of cigarettes and RRTPs have a mean cigarette consumption (CC) per day that is half that of cigarette smokers who do not use RRTPs. A substantial reduction in CC in dual users is also assumed in another similar modelling exercise (Poland & Teischinger, 2017). However, other approaches (e.g. (Bachand et al., 2018; Hill & Camacho, 2017; Vugrin et al., 2015)) have assumed that dual users and cigarette-only smokers have the same or a very similar CC. While conclusions regarding CC in dual users may depend on the specific type of RRTP, there is very little evidence available on very recently introduced types, such as heated tobacco products. However, as we demonstrate, a considerable number of papers have published evidence relating to e-cigarettes.

The objective of the work described here is to review and summarize evidence in adults comparing CC by dual users of cigarettes and e-cigarettes with CC by cigarette-only smokers. More specifically, this study attempts to answer three interrelated questions.

Q1. Does CC differ between dual users and exclusive smokers?

Q2. Does take-up of e-cigarettes change CC?

Q3. Does baseline CC differ by subsequent take-up of e-cigarettes?

Answers to Q1 may be obtained from cross-sectional studies carried out at one point in time, or from prospective studies at separate follow-ups. Answers to Q2 and Q3 will usually require information from prospective studies, though cross-sectional studies asking questions on the history of tobacco use might also provide relevant results.

We derive answers to the three questions from Waves 1, 2 and 3 of the publicly available adult data from the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) study (Hyland et al., 2017), a longitudinal cohort study in the U.S. supported by Federal funds, some previous publications (Berry et al., 2019; Buu et al., 2018) having only considered data from Waves 1 and 2. We also derive results from a detailed review of other published literature. We restrict attention to adults as they are most relevant to the estimation of the impact on mortality of RRTP introduction, and as the level of CC in cigarette smoking youths is less firmly established.


Analysis of adult data from waves 1, 2 and 3 of the PATH study

To be included in the analyses, individuals had to satisfy four criteria:

1. Be aged 18 to 54 years at Wave 1 (as e-cigarette use proved to be very uncommon in those aged 55+ years).

2. Be current every day cigarette smokers at each Wave with data available on CC.

3. Have data available on current and former established e-cigarette use at each Wave.

4. Have data available at Wave 1 on nine variables considered as potential predictors of CC (referred to subsequently simply as “predictors” – sex (male, female), age range (18–24, 25–34, 35–44, 45–54 years), highest grade of schooling (less than High School, GED, High School graduate, some college (no degree) or associates degree, bachelor’s degree, advanced degree), Hispanic origin (yes, no), race (white alone, black alone, other), age range when first started smoking cigarettes every day (<18, 18–24, 25–34, 35–44, 45–54, 55+ years), ever used alcohol (yes, no) ever used cocaine or crack (yes, no), ever use of other tobacco products (yes, no) – based on separate variables for traditional cigars, cigarillos, filtered cigars, pipes, hookah, smokeless tobacco, snus and dissolvable tobacco.

In the PATH dataset, the data on CC were recorded by two variables, a number and a unit (cigarettes per day or packs per day), the intention being to derive daily consumption directly from the number variable if the unit was cigarettes per day and by multiplying the number by 20 if the unit was packs per day. However, for some individuals the consumption data recorded in this way was highly implausible. For example, one individual had a recorded CC of 15 packs per day at Wave 1, 10 cigarettes per day at Wave 2 and 15 cigarettes per day at Wave 3. Here the implied consumption of 300 cigarettes per day is highly implausible and it seems much more likely that the Wave 1 consumption was actually 15 cigarettes per day. Accordingly, as described more fully in Extended data, Additional File 1 (Lee, 2020), a detailed investigation of the CC data at each Wave was carried out, and corrections were made for 84 individuals. There were 75 corrections relating to individuals where the consumption at one Wave was seven or more times the average consumption at the other two Waves. However, there were nine individuals where corrections were applied for other reasons, as described in the Additional File (see Extended data; Lee, 2020). All the analyses reported are based on the corrected CC data.

Analyses were carried out relating to current and ever established e-cigarette use, based on data for a current established e-cigarette user (one who has ever used, has used fairly regularly, and uses every day or some days) and a former established e-cigarette user (one who has ever used, has used fairly regularly, and currently does not use at all), with ever users being those who were either current or former users. Analyses were also carried out relating to current every day e-cigarette use. Note that for Wave 3, the data used were for e-product use (which also includes e-cigars, e-pipes and e-hookahs) rather than e-cigarette use, data for e-cigarette use not being available for this Wave.

All the analyses were weighted, based on the weighting factors for Wave 1, and used weighted linear regression analyses. Analyses were carried out with no adjustment for other variables and with adjustment for the other nine predictor variables selected, using a forward stepwise approach, including variables significant at p<0.05.

To answer Q1, the corrected CC was compared in exclusive cigarette smokers and in dual users, separately at each Wave.

To answer Q2 (and to provide some additional information), the change in corrected CC between two Waves was compared in four groups – exclusive cigarette smokers at both Waves, dual users at both Waves, dual users only at the second Wave, and dual users only at the first Wave. Separate analyses were carried out for each pair of Waves.

To answer Q3, the corrected CC at the first of two Waves in those who were then exclusive cigarette smokers was compared in those who did or did not become dual users. Separate analyses were carried out for each pair of Waves.

Software used to analyse data from the PATH study

Relevant data were transferred for analysis to a ROELEE database, and analysed using the ROELEE program (Release 59, Build 49). All these analyses could be run using the R-program (https:/, using the "lm" function including the "weights=" option for weighted linear regression, and for stepwise regression using the "step" function specifying "method=forward" and test="F".

Literature searches

The search was limited to publications from 2008 onwards, e-cigarette usage not being widely established before then (Barrington-Trimis et al., 2015; Bauld et al., 2014; Bell & Keane, 2014). Potential publications were initially obtained from a search on PubMed on 22 October 2018:

  • (e-cig*[tiab] OR e cig*[tiab] or electronic cig*[tiab] OR electronic nicotine [tiab] OR "vaping"[MeSH Terms] OR "Electronic nicotine delivery systems"[MeSH Terms]) AND (Epidemiologic studies[MeSH Terms] OR Epidemiology OR Surveys and questionnaires[MeSH Terms] OR survey*[TIAB] )

Subsequently, on 26th July 2019, the search was repeated, using the same keywords as before, but restricted to papers published since 1st January 2018.

An initial trial was undertaken on the first 100 papers for which free copies were available via PubMed, with PNL screening using the abstract only, and BAF independently screening using the full paper. Based on the high level of agreement between the two methods, it was decided that initial screening on the abstract was satisfactory, but that where there was any doubt the papers would need to be obtained and examined in full. In particular, any paper apparently reporting an epidemiological survey in a general adult population which had enquired about both cigarettes and e-cigarettes should be obtained, even if there was no mention in the abstract of dual use or of the number of cigarettes smoked.

All papers were then screened by BAF or AJT, with the full paper obtained wherever necessary. Papers were accepted as having data, or as being relevant reviews. No restriction was made as to the type of device referred to by the original papers, whether e-cigarettes, ENDS, ANDS, cigalike or other terminology, or whether containing nicotine or not, except that results specifically referring to heated tobacco products were excluded.

For each paper, rejected papers were marked in two ways. First, whether they were rejected on the basis of the full paper, abstract or title, this final option only being used where no abstract was available through PubMed and the title and publication type clearly indicated it was not relevant. Papers which were at all debatable or borderline for acceptance were also examined by KJC and PNL before being finally rejected.

Second, the reason for rejection was coded as follows:

1. Not a study asking individuals about their smoking and e-cigarette usage

2. Study of adolescents, young adults (age 25 or under), or students

3. Study in persons with a pre-existing medical condition

4. Study in persons likely to have unusual smoking and/or e-cigarette habits (e.g. studies of illicit drug users, prisoners, homeless persons, e-cigarette retail employees, medical personnel)

5. Trial of smoking cessation methods or of switching to e-cigarettes

6. Study with <100 participants

7. Study restricted to e-cigarette users (or dual users), or inappropriately restricted on smoking habits or quitting status/intention

8. No results presented distinguishing exclusive cigarette smokers and dual users

9. No results on CC

10. Results on CC not in a useable format (e.g. studies which reported amount smoked overall, but not by exclusive/dual use).

11. Report on the PATH study.

Only one reason was recorded per paper, usually (but not necessarily) the first from the list above. A note on the reason for rejection was also usually recorded.

The papers identified as review papers from the PubMed search were examined, looking for references to papers apparently describing an epidemiological survey which had enquired about both cigarettes and e-cigarettes. Except where either the context of the review paper or the title of the secondary paper indicated that the survey was in an ineligible population (corresponding to rejection codes 2–7), new papers were added to the list of candidate papers and at least the abstract was examined. As previously, unless the abstract made clear that the study population was ineligible, the full paper was obtained, regardless of whether dual use or amount smoked were mentioned in the abstract. Further review papers cited in the original set of reviews were also considered, but only if the context in the original review indicated that they referred to amount smoked.

Extraction and analysis of information from the accepted papers

For each publication, information was collected on the study location, title and type (prospective or cross-sectional), the period when the study was conducted, the age of the population considered, the number of smokers, the definition of e-cigarette use (and whether it contained nicotine) and which of the three questions it could provide answers to. For Q1, the data extracted (separately for current and ever e-cigarette use) included the numbers of dual users of cigarettes and e-cigarettes, and of exclusive cigarette smokers, the CC for each group and the difference, with its statistical significance, where possible. Where distributions were given by grouped amount smoked, the estimates of CC were derived using assumed midpoints. For studies where differences could be estimated, comparisons were made, again separately for current and ever e-cigarette use, of the number showing positive and negative differences, with unweighted means and standard errors estimated overall, and separately for US and European studies. For Q2, data were extracted for studies comparing changes in CC in those becoming or not becoming current e-cigarette users, with the number showing significant differences in each direction summarized. Data were also extracted for studies reporting changes in CC only in those becoming current dual users, with the numbers showing reductions or increases summarized. For Q3, evidence was summarised comparing CC in exclusive cigarette smokers according to whether they later used e-cigarettes, there being too few studies to allow more than a description of the results.


Results from the PATH study

A total of 3,543 adults were eligible for the analysis. Table 1 summarizes the results relating to Q1. They show no significant tendency for CC to be associated with current or ever established e-cigarette use, with six of the differences being positive and six negative. In contrast, though based on much smaller numbers of dual users, current every day e-cigarette use is associated with a consistently lower CC, with five of the six estimates significant at p<0.05, and the estimated difference ranging from 1.50 to 2.92 cigarettes per day.

Table 1. Answering Q1 using PATH: summary of results relating cigarette consumption to e-cigarette use.

Current established e-cigarette
Ever established e-cigarette useCurrent every day e-cigarette
WaveMean CC
(95% CI)a

a Mean cigarette consumption (CC) for all 3,543 selected individuals.

b The number of those with no e-cigarette use is always equal to 3,543 minus the number of dual users.

c Differences in cigarette consumption are always between dual users and those with no e-cigarette use, according to the definition of e-cigarette use. Significance codes used are + p<0.05 ++ p<0.01 +++ p<0.001 NS p≤0.05.

d In Waves 1 and 3 the differences in cigarette consumption are adjusted for sex, age range, school grade, race, Hispanic origin, ever used other tobacco products, and age at starting to smoke. In Wave 2 the differences are adjusted for the same list of factors except ever used other tobacco products. Significance codes are as for unadjusted differences.

Table 2 summarizes the results relating to changes in e-cigarette status between Waves, with those who are exclusive cigarette smokers at each Wave (“No No”) used as the base for comparisons. The analyses comparing the “No Yes” with the “No No” group are directly relevant to Q2 as defined, while those comparing “Yes No” with “No No” provide information on the reverse association.

The results relating to established e-cigarette use, with one marginal exception, show no significant tendency for changes in CC to be associated with changes in e-cigarette use. The results for every day e-cigarette use show more evidence of a relationship. While they show no consistent tendency for changes to differ between those who are exclusive cigarette smokers at each Wave (“No No”), and those who are dual users at each Wave (“Yes Yes”), there is a consistent decrease in CC in those who became dual users at the second Wave (“No Yes”), and a consistent increase in those who switch from dual use to exclusive smoking (“Yes No”). While none of the decreases are significant (at p<0.05), four of the increases are highly significant (p<0.001). However, the numbers becoming or ceasing to be dual users are small.

Table 2. Answering Q2 using PATH: summary of results relating change in cigarette consumption to change in e-cigarette usea.

Number of individualsDifference in change from
comparison groupb
Change in e-cigarette
use between waves
Current established use
Wave 2 minus Wave 1unadjusted
2,984179253127  0.35NS
Wave 3 minus Wave 1unadjusted
3,004  98233208−0.31NS
0.73 NS
0.65 NS
Wave 3 minus Wave 2unadjusted
2,956176155256  0.26NS
0.37 NS
0.40 NS
Ever established use
Wave 2 minus Wave 1unadjusted
2,726463354NA  0.51NS
Wave 3 minus Wave 1unadjusted
2,509463571NA  0.18NS
Wave 3 minus Wave 2unadjusted
2,509817217NA  0.06NS
Current every day use
Wave 2 minus Wave 1unadjusted
3,417  14  6052  0.34NS
Wave 3 minus Wave 1unadjusted
3,413    9  6457−1.15NS
Wave 3 minus Wave 2unadjusted
3,41317  5657−0.74NS
1.47 NS
1.45 NS

a The overall mean changes in cigarette consumption were −0.61 (95% CI −0.85 to −0.38) for Wave 2 minus Wave 1, −0.56 (95% CI −0.81 to −0.32) for Wave 3 minus Wave 1, and 0.05 (95% CI −0.15 to 0.26) for Wave 3 minus Wave 2

b Significance codes used for the differences are + p<0.05 ++ p<0.01 +++ p<0.001 NS p≤0.05

c Adjusted for sex, age range, school grade, Hispanic origin and ever use of other tobacco products

d Adjusted for race

e Adjusted for age range

f Adjusted for sex, school grade and Hispanic origin

Table 3 summarizes the results relating to Q3. The results do not show any consistent difference in baseline CC in those who were not e-cigarette users at baseline according to their subsequent e-cigarette use, whether based on current or ever established or current every day use.

Table 3. Answering Q3 using PATH study: baseline cigarette consumption among baseline non e-cigarette users by subsequent e-cigarette use.

Number of
Difference in
Definition of useAdjusted/
1 to 2Current establishedUnadjusted32372530.93 (0.61)
Adjustedb0.82 (0.58)
Ever establishedUnadjusted30803540.55 (0.54)
Adjustedb0.48 (0.51)
Current every dayUnadjusted3477600.30 (1.20)
Adjustedb−0.41 (1.12)
1 to 3Current establishedUnadjusted3237233−0.70 (0.64)
Adjustedb−0.61 (0.60)
Ever establishedUnadjusted30805710.23 (0.44)
Adjustedb0.25 (0.42)
Current every dayUnadjusted3477640.02 (1.20)
Adjustedb0.05 (1.11)
2 to 3Current establishedUnadjusted3111155−0.42 (0.73)
Adjustedb−0.09 (0.69)
Ever establishedUnadjusted27262170.78 (0.64)
Adjustedc0.88 (0.61)
Current every dayUnadjusted346956−0.15 (1.19)
Adjustedb−0.30 (1.12)

a SE – standard error. None of the differences were statistically significant at p<0.05

bAdjusted for sex, age range, school grade, race, Hispanic origin, age of starting to smoke and ever use of other tobacco products

cAdjusted for sex, age range, school grade, race, Hispanic origin and age of starting to smoke cigarettes

Other published results

Literature search

Our original PubMed search identified 1,403 publications, a number which extended to 1,434 from examination of reference lists in review papers and secondary references. From these 55 papers were identified as relevant, which described results from 45 apparently relevant studies. The later search identified 697 publications, of which 342 had already been identified by the first search. Nine of the remaining 355 were selected as relevant, with eight describing new studies and one providing additional results from a study identified earlier.

Further examination of the papers led to seven of the 53 studies being rejected: the Smoking Toolkit Survey (Beard et al., 2018) a time-series analysis linking prevalence of e-cigarette use with average CC in England; a paper (Morean et al., 2018) describing results from four studies, with the data for dual use and for cigarette use coming from two different surveys (and the other two not concerning tobacco); analyses of multiple internet and mail surveys (Etter & Eissenberg, 2015) where the surveys of e-cigarette users and of smokers were conducted at different times and in different national populations; the Mexico ITC survey (Lozano et al., 2019) as its analysis relating to Q2 was not restricted to those not using e-cigarettes at baseline; the Korea KCHS study (Han, 2019) which only related smoking to use of e-cigarettes due to a price increase; a US GFK study (Weaver et al., 2018) which did not relate CC to e-cigarette use at the same time point; and the California CSC study (Al Delaimy et al., 2015) which only compared smokers who either reported they have used e-cigarettes or will never use e-cigarettes at both surveys.

Study characteristics

Table 4 summarizes the characteristics of the 46 studies considered, in order of country within continent. Of the 46 studies, 22 were conducted in the US, five in multiple countries, three in the United Kingdom, three in Italy, two in France and one in each of 11 other countries. Of these, 16 studies involved an element of follow-up, the remaining 30 being of cross-sectional design, with three of these involving multiple cross-sectional studies. The studies mainly covered the whole adult population though some were restricted to younger adults. The number of smokers included varied considerably between studies with 10 involving more than 4,000 and seven less than 250. As will become evident, the studies varied in how e-cigarette use was defined and the questions they could answer. All the papers described the product as e-cigarettes, and it has been assumed that all the products contained nicotine, no study stating otherwise, though many did not give details.

Table 4. Characteristics of the 43 selected studies other than PATH.

StudyReference(s)Study titleLocationStudy
1Vardavas et al. (2015)Eurobarometer27 countriesCS201215+7,412EQ1
2Farsalinos et al. (2016)
Kulik et al. (2018)
Farsalinos et al. (2017)
Eurobarometer28 countriesCS201415+7,243C, EQ1, Q2
3Laverty et al. (2018)Eurobarometer28 countriesMCS2014, 1715+≈15,000eCR, EQ1
4Kralikova et al. (2013)17 city studyCzech
CS2012M 33.51,738ERQ1, Q2
5Andler et al. (2016)Health BarometerFranceCS201415-754,752C, EQ2, Q3
6Pasquereau et al. (2017)Metropolitan
territory follow-up
15-852,057CRQ1, Q2
7Rüther et al. (2016)Study of e-
cigarette and
tobacco shops
Munich, GermanyCS201218-73208CQ1
8Brown et al. (2014)
Brose et al. (2015)
Ipsos Mori survey
with 1 year follow-
Great BritainP2012-
M 43.44,117C, CQ1, Q2
9Office for National
Statistics (2017)
Opinions and
lifestyle surveys
Great BritainMCS2014-
10Shahab et al. (2017)Toxicant exposure
in ecig and NRT
11Gallus et al. (2014)DOXA studyItalyCS201315+616CRQ2
12Manzoli et al. (2015)
Manzoli et al. (2017)
Chieti 2 year
ItalyP2013-1530-75723CQ1, Q2
13Liu et al. (2019)DOXA studyItalyCS2014-1815+3,395RQ2
14Hummel et al. (2015)ITCNetherlandsP2008-1415+1,820gC, EQ1
15Prokopowicz et al. (2019)Volunteer studySosnowiec, PolandCS2017h19-3957CQ1
16Kilibarda et al. (2016)Lifestyle surveySerbiaCS201418-642,164C, EQ1
17Hedman et al. (2018)OLIN/WSASSwedenCS201620-753,480CQ1
18Douptcheva et al. (2013)C-SURF study of
army recruits
19Zavala-Arciniega et al. (2018)ENCODAT surveyMexicoCS201618-657,347C, EQ1
20Pokhrel et al. (2013)Newspaper
advert study
Hawaii, US CS2010-1218+1,567EQ1
21Richardson et al. (2014)8 area cohort
22Choi & Forster (2014b)
Choi & Forster (2014a)
community cohort
Minnesota, US P2010-12M 24.1245EQ1, Q2
23Biener et al. (2015)Three area surveyCharlotte,
Topeka, US
CS201318-35867C, EQ1
24Comiford et al. (2018)American Indian
P2015-1718+367C, EQ1
25LeVault et al. (2016)Springfield surveyIllinois, US CS201418+200CQ1
26Wang et al. (2018)Health eHeart
27Shi et al. (2016)TUS-CPS 2010
USP2010-1118+2,454EQ1, Q2
28Levy et al. (2017)TUS-CPS surveysUSMCS2014-1518+20,350E, C, CRQ1
29Pearson et al. (2015)BecomeAnEX
cessation trial
USP2012-201318+2,123CQ1, Q2
30Olfson et al. (2019)NESARC IIIUSCS2012-1318-353,487C (PY)Q1
31Bloom et al. (2019)SWEETUSCS?18+577CQ1
32Jaber et al. (2018)NHANES 2013-14USCS2013-1418+1,049CQ1
33Rostron et al. (2016)NATS 2012-13USCS2012-1318+4,867CRQ1
34Chivers et al. (2016)AMT users 2014USCS201424-44400CRQ1
35English et al. (2018)AMT users 2017USCS201721+245CQ3
36Stein et al. (2018)AMT usersUSCS?18+396CQ1
37Kalkhoran et al. (2015)
Grana et al. (2014)
GFK 2011USP2011-1218+1,324CQ1, Q2
38Wackowski et al. (2016)GFK 2014USCS201418+519C, EQ1
39Zhuang et al. (2016)GFK 2012USP2012-1418+2,028CQ1
40Rutten et al. (2015)GFK 2014USCS201418+2,254CQ2
41Seto et al. (2016)Telephone surveyHawaii, US CS201418+?kEQ2
42Twyman et al. (2016)Disadvantaged
New South
43Wu et al. (2018)QTWHong KongP2014-1518+956EQ1, Q2
44Etter & Bullen (2014)InternetMultiplelP2011-1318+273CQ2
45Adkison et al. (2013)
Chan et al. (2019)
ITC Four country
US, Canada,
P2008-1618+4,717CQ1, Q2
46Sung (2018)6th Korea
National Health
and Nutrition
South KoreaCS2013-1519+2,782CQ1

a CS = cross-sectional, MCS = multiple cross-sectional, P = prospective

b M = mean

c C = current, C (PY) = current (past year), E = ever, ER = ever regular, R = regular

d Q1 = Does CC differ between dual users and exclusive smokers?

Q2 = Does take-up of e-cigarettes affect time changes in CC?

Q3 = Does baseline CC differ by subsequent take-up of e-cigarettes?

e Not given but estimated from results for one survey

f Not given but around 2,000 households are interviewed per month

g 1,820 were interviewed in 2008, with 1,802 in 2010, 1,530 in 2013 and 1,550 in 2014. Note that in this cohort study, respondents are surveyed each year, with drop-outs replenished by inviting new smokers

h Date not stated. 2017 assumes the study was completed the year before publication

i 46% were aged under 21

j The respondents were stated to be “Mainly from the United States” with no further details given

k Number of smokers not stated, the total participants numbered 937

l 34% of respondents from US, 24% France, 8% UK, 6% Switzerland, 28% other countries

Table 4 also gives references for the publications considered in our analyses. For some studies there were additional publications which provided no useful extra results to those cited: Study 2 (Laverty et al., 2018), study 5 (Andler et al., 2015; INPES, 2014), study 9 (Office for National Statistics, 2016), study 10 (Nelson et al., 2015), and study 27 (Shi et al., 2015).

Results related to Q1

Table 5 summarizes the results from the 39 studies that presented evidence comparing CC in dual users with that in exclusive cigarette smokers. Of these studies, the evidence related to current e-cigarette use in 25, to ever e-cigarette use in eight and to both current and ever use in six. In some studies, results were presented in terms of the distribution of the subjects by broad categories of cigarette consumption and (as described in the footnotes to Table 5) the overall mean CC could only be estimated by making assumptions about the mean CC for each category.

Table 5. Results relating to Q1 from 38 published studies other than PATH.

Number of
Differenceaor given
Current e-cigarette use
2Kulik et al. (2018)Total6,86515.614.4+1.2+Given
6Pasquereau et al. (2017)2521,8058.710.0−1.3NSEstimatedb
7Rüther et al. (2016)9411412.315.7−3.4--Estimatedc
8Brown et al. (2014)7752,76313.912.6+1.3+Given
9Office for National Statistics (2017)LargeLarge10.911.5−0.6Estimatedd
10Shahab et al. (2017)363711.913.9−2.0 NSGiven
12Manzoli et al. (2015)23249114.914.1+0.8Given
14Hummel et al. (2015)??15.016.5−1.5Estimatede
15Prokopowicz et al. (2019)29288.814.7−5.9---Given
16Kilibarda et al. (2016)1062,05815.818.0−2.2-Given
17Hedman et al. (2018)3393,14112.310.1+2.2Estimatedf
18Douptcheva et al. (2013)251,064--“No statistically significant
difference between vapers
and non-vapers .....”
19Zavala-Arciniega et al. (2018)1512,86211.59.8+1.7Estimatedg
21Richardson et al. (2014)Total1,270--+2.4+Given
22Choi & Forster (2014a)----“More frequent use of
e-cigarettes does not
….. reduce cigarette
24Comiford et al. (2018)5930817.817.4+0.4 NSEstimatedh
25LeVault et al. (2016)1217912.513.5−1.0Estimatedi
26Wang et al. (2018)5141,69310.09.0+1.0+++Givenj
28Levy et al. (2017)2,15318,19713.513.8−0.3Estimatedk
29Pearson et al. (2015)6721,45117l15l+2.0+++Givenm
30Olfson et al. (2019)5712,91613.212.0+1.2++Given
31Bloom et al. (2019)15841917.816.6+1.2 NSGiven
32Jaber et al. (2018)649859.911.6−1.7 NSGiven
33Rostron et al. (2016)9042,96315.615.8−0.2Estimatedn
34Chivers et al. (2016)23316713.612.5+1.3Given
36Stein et al. (2018)19819815.815.7+0.1 NSGiven
37Kalkhoran et al. (2015)1041,14414.012.9+1.1Estimatedo
Grana et al. (2014)8886116.114.3+1.8 NSGiven
38Wackowski et al. (2016)9742210.711.6−0.9Estimatedp
39Zhuang et al. (2016)5281,50015.314.2+0.1Estimatedq
42Twyman et al. (2016)10326617.715.2+2.5Given
46Sung (2018)2092,57316.617.4−0.8-Estimatedr
Ever e-cigarette use
1Vardavas et al. (2015)1,5055,907Adjusted ORs (95% CI) for ever e-cigarette
use vs ≤5 cigs/day were 1.53 (1.10 to 2.13),
2.07 (1.52 to 2.81) and 1.48 (0.97 to 2.27) for
6-10, 11-20 and 21+ cigs/day
3Laverty et al. (2018)Total6,153Adjusted ORs (95% CI) for ever e-cigarette
use vs never smokers were 19.68 (17.10 to
22.65) for <10 cigs/day and 26.59 (23.12 to
30.59) for 10+ cigs/day
4Kralikova et al. (2013)8638681314−1--Given
9Office for National Statistics (2017)LargeLarge12.510.9−1.6Estimatedc
14Hummel et al. (2015) ? ?19.716.5+3.2Estimatede
19Zavala-Arciniega et al. (2018)5422,19010.89.7+1.1Estimatedf
20Pokhrel et al. (2013)2021,36517.818.3−0.5Given
23Biener et al. (2015)--“…. does not …. reduce cigarette
consumption”. Level of daily smoking was
not a significant predictor of e-cigarette trial
or use in the past month
24Comiford et al. (2018)23313418.016.6+1.4 NSEstimatedg
27Shi et al. (2016)Total2,45415.1% of smokers of 15+ cigs/day and 9.9%
of smokers of <15 cigs/day had ever used
28Levy et al. (2017)7,69512,65514.213.5+0.7Estimatedj
38Wackowski et al. (2016)29422511.411.3+0.1Estimatedo
43Wu et al. (2018)16379319k15k+4+++Given
45Chan et al. (2019)Total3,797Adjusted ORs (95% CI) for ever e-cigarette
use vs 0-10 cigs/day were 1.13 (0.95-1.35),
1.41 (1.12-1.78) and 1.69 (1.19-2.39) for
11-20, 21-30 and 31+ cigs/day

a +, - p<0.05; ++, -- p<0.01; +++, --- p<0.001 NS p≥0.05

Where a code is not given, the significance level was not reported

b Estimated assuming midpoints of 5, 15 and 30 cigs/day for 0-10, 11-20 and 21+ cigs/day

c Estimated assuming midpoints of 5, 15, 25 and 40 cigs/day for 0-10, 11-20, 21-30 and 31 cigs/day

d Estimated from separate data for current, former and never e-cigarette users

e Estimated from adjusted ORs for forced entry analysis assuming midpoints of 5, 13, 18 and 30 cigs/day for 10 or fewer, 11-15, 16-20 and more than 20

f Estimated assuming midpoints of 2.5, 10 and 25 cigs/day for <5, 5-14 and 15+ cigs/day

g Estimated from adjusted ORs assuming midpoints of 2 and 15 cigs/day for <5 and 5+ cigs/day

h Estimated assuming midpoints of 10 and 30 cigs/day for <1, 1+ packs/day

i Estimated assuming midpoints of 5.5 and 21 cigs/day for <11, 11+ cigs/day

j Results relate to use in the last 30 days

k Estimated assuming midpoints of 2.5, 10, 20 and 35 cigs/day for 1-4, 5-14, 15-24 and 25+ cigs/day

l Median consumption

m E-cigarette users were those using them to quit cigarettes

n Estimated from figure combining results for cigs + ecigs and cigs + cigars + ecigs into dual users

o Estimating assuming midpoints of 2.5, 8, 15 and 30 cigs/day for <5, 6-10, 11-20 and 21+ cigs/day

p Estimating assuming midpoints of 5 and 20 cigs/day for 10 or fewer and >10 cigs/day

q Estimating assuming midpoints of 8 and 25 cigs/day for 1-15 and >15 cigs/day

r Estimating assuming midpoints of 5 and 20 cigs/day for light (<10) and heavy (>10) cigs/day

Of the 30 studies providing estimates relating to current e-cigarette use, two studies (18 and 22) merely stated there was a lack of association between e-cigarette use and amount smoked. In the other studies, estimates of the difference in CC between dual users and exclusive e-cigarette use could be derived, with two being from study 38 at two different time points. The evidence was conflicting, with 11 estimates showing a lower CC in dual users and 18 a higher CC. Omitting the estimate from study 29 (Pearson et al., 2015) (as it only related to e-cigarette use as a cessation aid) and the earlier estimate from study 37 (Grana et al., 2014) to avoid double-counting, the unweighted mean difference was estimated as +0.03 cigarettes per day reduction (Standard error [SE] 0.36). While there was some evidence of a reduction in the 11 estimates from Europe (1.04) cigarettes per day reduction, standard error [SE] 0.72), the 14 estimates from the USA did not confirm this (0.56 increase, SE 0.29).

The 14 studies providing estimates relating to ever e-cigarette use were equally inconsistent, with four of the ten estimated differences showing a reduction, and six an increase.

Results related to Q2

Our searches revealed 17 studies that presented evidence on whether cigarette-only smokers who become dual users change their CC. The top half of Table 6 summarizes results for five studies, all of prospective design, where dual use refers to current use and where changes are compared in those who remain exclusive cigarette smokers (“No No”) and those who become dual users (“No Yes”). All these studies present evidence that reductions in CC are significantly greater in dual users. The bottom half of Table 6 also presented evidence from a further eight studies (one prospective and seven cross-sectional), where changes were only recorded in those who became dual users. Of these, seven showed large reductions, which seem likely to be substantially greater than in those remaining exclusive cigarette smokers, although lack of the relevant data prevents this from being tested, while the other (study 41 (Seto et al., 2016)) showed a smaller reduction. The evidence from these 13 studies clearly indicates that becoming a current e-cigarette user leads to a reduction in CC.

Table 6. Results relating to Q2 from the other studies.

StudyPublication“No No”“No Yes”Finding
Studies comparing changes in CC in those becoming or not becoming current e-cigarette users
6Pasquereau et al. (2017)1,805257Adjusteda OR 2.6 (95% CI 1.8 to 3.8) for reduction of cigarette consumption of 50% or more in those taking up e-cigarettes
8Brose et al. (2015)76972Adjustedb OR 2.49 (95% CI 1.14 to 5.45) for reduction of cigarette consumption of 50% or more in those taking up e-cigarettes
12Manzoli et al. (2017)c369165Mean reductions in cigarette consumption (SE) are 1.6 (6.4) and 5.3 (3.3), p = 0.2. 14.1% and 66.7% reduced by 50% or more, p<0.001
29Pearson et al. (2015)<1,451d<672dMean reductions in cigarette consumption (SE) are 5.1 (7.9) and 7.1 (8.3), p = 0.05
45Adkison et al. (2013)5,765174Mean reductions in cigarette consumption are 3.78 and 1.85, p<0.05e
Studies reporting changes in CC only in those becoming current dual users
2Farsalinos et al. (2016)-125100 reduced consumption, 25 no change, 0 increasede
4Kralikova et al. (2013)-15493 reduced consumption, 61 no change, 0 increased
5Andler et al. (2016)-759Estimated mean reduction of 7.3 cigarettes per dayf
11Gallus et al. (2014)-328 drastically reduced consumption, 16 slightly reduced, 8 no change, 0 increasede
13Liu et al. (2019)-7832 substantially reduced consumption, 25 slightly reduced, 18 no change, 3 increasedh
40Rutten et al. (2015)-561315 reduced consumption, 236 no change, 10 increasede
41Seto et al. (2016)4911 reduced consumption, 38 continued smokinge
44Etter & Bullen (2014)-367Reduced consumption from 24.3 cigarettes per day before they started vaping to 13.8 after

a Adjusted for education, income, occupational status, socio-professional category and size of urban unit

b Adjusted for age, sex, education, follow-up NRT use and baseline strengths of urge to smoke

c Results based on 24-month follow-up. Some earlier results are also available for 12-month follow-up (Manzoli et al., 2015)

d Numbers include those who quit during follow-up

e Estimated from data provided

f The 82% who reduced had a mean reduction of 8.9 cigarettes per day, so, assuming the remaining 18% had no reduction, the mean reduction would be 7.3 cigarettes per day

g The terms “drastically” and “slightly” were undefined

h The terms “substantially” and “slightly” were undefined

The other four studies provided less useful results. Study 22 (Choi & Forster, 2014a) reported that changes in CC were almost identical between those who had never used e-cigarettes and those who had used e-cigarettes for at least one day in the past 30 days at baseline, after adjustment for demographics and baseline CC. These results neither relate to a proper definition of current e-cigarette use, nor to taking up e-cigarettes between baseline and follow-up. Study 27 (Shi et al., 2016) concluded that “among early adopters, ever-use of first generation e-cigarettes to aid quitting cigarette smoking was not associated with improved cessation or with reduced CC, even among heavier smokers” but the basis for this conclusion is most unclear, with no formal statistical analysis described and it being unclear when the e-cigarette use occurred, and whether those who quit during follow-up were excluded. Study 37 (Grana et al., 2014) reported that “e-cigarette use at baseline was not associated with a change in cigarette consumption, controlled for baseline cigarette consumption”. In study 43 (Wu et al., 2015), no difference was seen between exclusive cigarette smokers and dual users at six months follow-up in individuals who continued to smoke. These analyses related to ever rather than current use of e-cigarettes.

It can also be noted that, as studies restricted to dual users were excluded (see Literature searches, rejection reason 7), the results shown in the bottom half of Table 6 may not be comprehensive.

Results related to Q3

Our searches revealed only three published studies that presented evidence relevant to whether CC in exclusive cigarette smokers differed according to whether they later used e-cigarettes. Study 5 (Andler et al., 2016), a cross-sectional study which involved 4,752 current smokers of whom 759 also currently used e-cigarettes, noted that, before they started to vape, these individuals smoked 21 cigarettes per day as compared to 11.3 in those who continued to smoke. Though the results presented did not allow precise estimation of the difference in CC between smokers according to whether they later used e-cigarettes, the results clearly suggested that heavier smokers were more likely to start vaping. Study 35 (English et al., 2018), a cross-sectional study involving 245 current smokers, of whom 103 also currently used e-cigarettes, reported that, for each additional cigarette smoked per day prior to using e-cigarettes, individuals were 4.0% (p = 0.001) more likely to use e-cigarettes. Study 45 (Chan et al., 2019), a prospective study, presented results from a logistic regression predicting uptake of vaping in 3,797 smokers. After adjustment for a range of smoking-related and demographic variables, they reported an increasing likelihood of uptake with increasing cigarette consumption, with ORs of 1.13 (95% 0.95-1.35), 1.41 (1.12-1.78) and 1.69 (1.19-2.39) for smokers of 11-20, 21-30 and 31+ cigarettes per day, as compared to 0-10 cigarettes per day.


Based on the analyses of the PATH study, there was no evidence from the analysis of Q1 (Table 1) that cigarette smokers who were also current or ever established e-cigarette users had a lower CC than exclusive cigarette smokers. However, cigarette smokers who were also current every day e-cigarette users did have a lower CC by about two to three cigarettes per day. This is consistent with CC in dual users being more likely to be affected in adults who use e-cigarettes more often, occasional e-cigarette use being less likely to affect cigarette smoking habits. These results, based on cross-sectional analysis, are less relevant to the effect that e-cigarette use might have on CC than those based on changes over time (Q2). Here again the results for every day e-cigarette use (Table 2) showed more evidence of an effect, with those becoming dual users consistently decreasing CC and those switching from dual use to exclusive smoking consistently increasing their CC, although only the second result was statistically significant. It is possible that those who decided to take up e-cigarettes might have had a different baseline CC than those who continued to smoke cigarettes exclusively (Q3), but our analyses (Table 3) showed no evidence of this.

Two limitations of our analyses should be noted. One is the small number of cigarette smokers who were also current every day e-cigarette users, ranging from about 50 to 70 in the relevant analyses. The other is the weakness of the CC data itself. While we have made our best attempt to correct obvious errors in the data, some doubts must remain about the validity of our correction.

Two previous publications (Berry et al., 2019; Buu et al., 2018) have presented results from the PATH study using data from Waves 1 and 2, neither making any mention of correcting the clearly erroneous CC data. Buu et al. (2018) restricted attention to those who, at Wave 1, had in the past 12 months smoked cigarettes and not used e-cigarettes, and who at Waves 1 and 2 had not used tobacco products other than cigarettes or e-cigarettes. Comparisons were made between those who had or had not used e-cigarettes some day or every day in the past 30 days. The authors reported that a higher frequency of e-cigarette use was associated with a lower CC after controlling for baseline CC and other confounding variables. This finding, though based on different statistical procedures, seems consistent with our finding for Q2.

Based on current cigarette smokers aged 25+ years who were not current e-cigarette users at Wave 1, Berry et al. (2019) presented odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs), adjusted for 12 potential confounding variables, relating at least a 50% reduction in CC between Waves 1 and 2 to new e-cigarette use at Wave 2. While no material difference was noted for experimental e-cigarette use (OR 1.08, 95% CI 0.78 to 1.48) or for some day e-cigarette use (OR 1.00, 95% CI 0.58 to 1.74), a highly significant (p<0.001) effect was noted for every day e-cigarette use (OR 5.70, 95% CI 3.47 to 9.35). Their analyses defined current smokers as smoking every day or some days, whereas ours restricted attention to every day smokers. Nevertheless, though differently expressed, their analyses support our findings for Q2, with those switching to every day e-cigarette use reducing their cigarette consumption.

As regards Q1, the other published studies identified by the literature search (see Table 5) provide no clear evidence of a relationship of current or ever e-cigarette use to CC. The lack of consistent association seen in the literature aligns with the findings from the PATH study shown in Table 1 for current and ever established e-cigarette use, but not with the results for current every day use. A problem is that very few of the reviewed studies provided results for current regular e-cigarette use, which may be considered comparable to the results for every day e-cigarette use from the PATH study. Also many of the studies only presented results for grouped cigarette consumption, making it difficult to accurately quantify CC.

The results from the other published studies regarding Q2 shown in Table 6 clearly demonstrate that becoming a current e-cigarette user is associated with a reduction in CC. While this conclusion is consistent with that from the PATH study, the actual decrease in CC associated with uptake of e-cigarettes cannot be directly compared, as few of the 13 studies actually presented estimates of the mean reduction, with others simply giving the numbers reducing (or increasing) consumption, or presenting odds ratios for the probability of reducing cigarette consumption by 50% or more, and only five allowing the reduction to be tested against a suitable control group of continuing exclusive smokers.

As noted above, only three of the other published studies provided evidence relating to Q3. While these results are all consistent with those who choose to start using e-cigarettes being heavier smokers than those who do not choose to do so, our analyses of the PATH study data found no clear relationship. Given the limited number of studies, more evidence is clearly needed to answer Q3.

Assessment of the overall evidence is unclear, partly due to the between-study differences in how e-cigarette use is quantified, and how the results are presented. Given the quite clear evidence from the analyses addressing Q2 that those taking up e-cigarettes and becoming dual users do reduce their CC, the failure to find any very clear difference in CC between current dual users and exclusive cigarette smokers from the analyses of Q1 would suggest that smokers who subsequently take up e-cigarettes had somewhat higher CC to start with. While the analyses at Q3 are rather limited they do tend to support this view.

Although the overall evidence is somewhat difficult to interpret, it appears that exclusive cigarette smokers who become dual users tend to decrease their CC, especially if they use e-cigarettes regularly. The level of reduction in CC is generally fairly modest, and seemingly inconsistent with the assumption that those becoming dual users replace half their cigarettes with e-cigarettes. However, given the much lower claimed disease risks of e-cigarettes relative to cigarettes (Nutt et al., 2014), it seems quite possible that smokers who become dual users will reduce their disease risk to some extent.

Overall, it can be concluded that there is clear evidence that exclusive cigarette smokers who become dual users of cigarettes and e-cigarettes reduce their daily CC. The reduction seen is quite modest in most studies (e.g. two or three cigarettes per day), though some studies show greater reductions. The fact that cross-sectional analyses show little difference in CC between dual users and exclusive cigarette smokers may be due to those who take up e-cigarettes tending to be somewhat heavier cigarette smokers to start with, though more evidence is needed to confirm this. Obtaining accurate overall estimates is made difficult by the different way that studies present their results. Harmonization in the way data on patterns of use of different tobacco products are collected and analysed across studies is warranted.

Data availability

Source data

PATH study data: National Addiction & HIV Data Archive Program: Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) Study [United States] Public-Use Files (ICPSR 36498). (United States Department of Health and Human Services (USDHHS)).

The data are available under the Terms of Use as set out by ICPSR, which can be accessed when users start the process of downloading the data.

Extended data

Open Science Framework: Cigarette consumption in adult dual users of cigarettes and e-cigarettes. A review of the evidence, including new results from the PATH study. (Lee, 2020).

This project contains the following extended data file:

  • CC in dual users - additional file (DOCX).

Extended data are available under the terms of the Creative Commons Zero “No rights reserved” data waiver (CC0 1.0 Public domain dedication).

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Lee PN, Fry JS, Forey BA et al. Cigarette consumption in adult dual users of cigarettes and e-cigarettes: a review of the evidence, including new results from the PATH study [version 1; peer review: 1 approved with reservations] F1000Research 2020, 9:630 (
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Key to Reviewer Statuses VIEW
ApprovedThe paper is scientifically sound in its current form and only minor, if any, improvements are suggested
Approved with reservations A number of small changes, sometimes more significant revisions are required to address specific details and improve the papers academic merit.
Not approvedFundamental flaws in the paper seriously undermine the findings and conclusions
Version 1
PUBLISHED 19 Jun 2020
Reviewer Report 16 Mar 2021
Lai Wei, Altria Client Services LLC, Richmond, VA, USA 
Pavel Lizhnyak, Altria Client Services LLC, Richmond, VA, USA 
Mohamadi Sarkar, Altria Client Services LLC, Richmond, VA, USA 
Approved with Reservations
Summary: The authors conducted secondary analysis of cross-sectional and longitudinal PATH data to compare cigarette consumptions among dual users of cigarettes and e-cigarettes. The authors also present a review of published literature on this topic.
These reviewers has the ... Continue reading
Wei L, Lizhnyak P and Sarkar M. Reviewer Report For: Cigarette consumption in adult dual users of cigarettes and e-cigarettes: a review of the evidence, including new results from the PATH study [version 1; peer review: 1 approved with reservations]. F1000Research 2020, 9:630 (
NOTE: it is important to ensure the information in square brackets after the title is included in all citations of this article.
  • Author Response 12 Apr 2021
    Peter Lee, P.N.Lee Statistics and Computing Ltd, Sutton, SM2 5DA, UK
    12 Apr 2021
    Author Response
    Reply to comments from Drs Wei, Lizhnyak and Sarkar on March 16 2021

    We thank the three reviewers for the time they spent and their helpful comments. Our responses ... Continue reading
  • Author Response 12 Apr 2021
    Peter Lee, P.N.Lee Statistics and Computing Ltd, Sutton, SM2 5DA, UK
    12 Apr 2021
    Author Response
    Reply to comments from Drs Wei, Lizhnyak and Sarkar on March 16 2021

    We thank the three reviewers for the time they spent and their helpful comments. Our responses ... Continue reading

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Version 2
Alongside their report, reviewers assign a status to the article:
Approved - the paper is scientifically sound in its current form and only minor, if any, improvements are suggested
Approved with reservations - A number of small changes, sometimes more significant revisions are required to address specific details and improve the papers academic merit.
Not approved - fundamental flaws in the paper seriously undermine the findings and conclusions
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