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26 January 2018 : Clinical Research  

Efficacy and Acceptability of 1 Liter of Polyethylene Glycol with Ascorbic Acid vs. 2 Liters of Polyethylene Glycol Plus Mosapride and Sennoside for Colonoscopy Preparation

Masato Kamei1ABCDEF, Tomoyoshi Shibuya1ABCDEF*, Masahito Takahashi1B, Masae Makino1B, Keiichi Haga1B, Osamu Nomura1B, Takashi Murakami1B, Hideaki Ritsuno1B, Hiroya Ueyama1B, Tomohiro Kodani1B, Dai Ishikawa1B, Kenshi Matsumoto1B, Naoto Sakamoto1B, Taro Osada1B, Tatsuo Ogihara1B, Sumio Watanabe1AB, Akihito Nagahara1AB

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.908043

Med Sci Monit 2018; 24: CLR523-530


BACKGROUND: [color=black]Bowel preparation is an important factor for an optimal outcome of colonoscopy. Recently, polyethylene glycol (PEG) solution has been in common use for bowel cleansing for colonoscopy, but some patients are intolerant of PEG because of taste or volume. A low-volume PEG administered with ascorbic acid solution (PEG-Asc) was designed to improve tolerability, but the administration of this method is more complex than that with PEG alone. This study aimed to compare bowel cleansing efficacy, safety, and tolerability of 1 L PEG-Asc with a 2 L PEG preparation with use of sennosides and mosapride.[/color]

MATERIAL AND METHODS: [color=black]This was a prospective, single-center, non-inferiority trial that included 112 patients (PEG-Asc group, 68; PEG group, 44). The primary endpoint was the efficacy of colon cleansing assessed by endoscopists using a validated 4-point scale according to the Aronchick scale and was verified by a blinded investigator. Acceptability, tolerability, and adenoma detection rate (ADR) of these 2 regimens were secondary endpoints.[/color][color=black] [/color]

RESULTS: [color=black]We found no statistically significant differences between the groups in colon-cleansing efficacy or in the adenoma detection rate (ADR). Moreover, overall, patients significantly favored PEG-Asc over PEG, reflecting better acceptance of PEG-Asc. Additionally, more patients favored PEG-Asc over PEG for a hypothetical future colonoscopy. [/color]

CONCLUSIONS: [color=black]The alternate 1 L PEG-Asc regimen and standard 2 L PEG regimen were clinically equivalent with respect to cleansing efficacy, safety, and ADR, and more patients favored PEG-Asc than PEG. This alternate regimen may improve patient compliance and acceptance of surveillance colonoscopy.[/color]

Keywords: Ascorbic Acid, Cathartics, Colonoscopy, Detergents, Polyethylene Glycols

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01 June 2024 : Editorial  

Editorial: Concerns as Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) Virus of the H5N1 Subtype is Identified in Dairy Cows and Other Mammals

Dinah V. Parums

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.945315

Med Sci Monit 2024; 30:e945315


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