Online ISSN : 1347-8397
Print ISSN : 0015-5691
ISSN-L : 0015-5691
江田 昭英勝田 栄二渡辺 茂勝水野 瑞夫
ジャーナル フリー

1970 年 66 巻 3 号 p. 366-378


Anti-allergic effect of aqueous and alcoholic extracts made from 32 kinds of chinese drugs, which have been usually used as a remedy for the diseases regarded as the allergic symptoms in chinese medicine, were investigated, and the following results were obtained.
1) The amount of anaphylactic mediator released from the chopped tissue of sensitized guinea pig lung challenged with the specific antigen was decreased by 20 to 40 per cent by the aqueous extracts of Achyrantis R., Asiasari R., Cinnamomi C., Ehedrae H., Fel Bosii and Magnoliae F. and the alcoholic extract of Montan C., and also decreased by more than 40 per cent by the aqueous extracts of Aurantii immaturi F. and Sinomenii R. and the alcoholic extracts of Asiasari R., Aurantii immaturi F. and Ephedrae H., and conversely, increased by more than 30 per cent by the aqueous extracts of Alismatis Rh., Amomi S., Bupleuri R. and Gentianae scabrae R. and the alcoholic extracts of Achyranthis R., Corni F. and Dioscoreae R.. The other extracts did not show remerkable effect on the release of mediator.
2) Anti-histaminic and anti-total mediator effects of the extracts in which the amount of the mediator release was found less than 80 per cent were determined in isolated ileum of guinea pig. By the aqueous extracts of Asiasari R. and Sinomenii R. anti-histaminic effect was observed at the rate of about 30 and 20 per cent respectively, and by the aqueous extract of Sinomenii R. anti-total mediator effect was observed at the rate of about 40 per cent. The other extracts scarecely showed these effects.
3) pH values of the extracts which inhibited the release of anaphylactic mediator were measured. In a concentration of the extract acted on the chopped lung tissue, pH values which may influence release of the mediator were not observed.
4) The moderate fractionation for the concentration of effective components from the extracts in which the amount of the mediator release was found less than 80 per cent was attempted. Fractions more active than original extracts were obtained from the aqueous extracts of Asiasari R., Ephedrae H., Magnoliae F. and Sinomenii R. and the alcoholic extract of Ephedrae H.

© 社団法人 日本薬理学会
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