中国全科医学 ›› 2019, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (10): 1235-1238.DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2019.00.076

所属专题: 中医最新文章合集 高血压最新文章合集

• 专题研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1.250000山东省济南市,山东中医药大学附属医院
  • 出版日期:2019-04-05 发布日期:2019-04-05
  • 基金资助:

Progress of Traditional Chinese Medicine Appropriate Techniques in Community-based Treatment of Hypertension Due to Phlegm-dampness Syndrome 

WEI Sining1,PENG Wei1*,ZHANG Qian1,GUO Dong2,WEI Jianliang1,LU Ying1,SUN Mi3,SUN Zhongyi3,LI Nana4   

  1. 1.The Affiliated Hospital of Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Jinan 250000,China
    2.TCM-based General Practice Research Center,Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Jinan 250000,China
    3.School of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Jinan 250000,China
    4.The First School of Clinical Medicine,Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Jinan 250000,China
    *Corresponding author:PENG Wei,Professor,Chief  physician,Master supervisor;
  • Published:2019-04-05 Online:2019-04-05

摘要: 高血压是社区常见慢性病之一,研究表明痰湿型高血压所占比重颇大。中医适宜技术操作简便、方法灵活,有利于减少单纯使用西药带来的弊端,在稳定降压的同时,还可改善患者体质,有利于疾病的康复。本文将有关中医适宜技术治疗痰湿型高血压的研究进行整理,以期梳理痰湿型高血压治疗方法之脉络。

关键词: 社区卫生服务, 中医疗法, 中医适宜技术, 痰湿型高血压

Abstract: Hypertension is a chronic disease frequently seen in community-based healthcare settings.Studies show that patients with hypertension associated with phlegm-dampness syndrome accounts for a large proportion of the hypertension cases.Traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) appropriate techniques are easy-to-use and flexible,which help to reduce the adverse effects of western treatment,and improve the constitution and rehabilitation of the patients during stabilizing the blood pressure.In this paper,TCM appropriate techniques for hypertension caused by phlegm-dampness syndrome are summarized on the basis of the review of the related studies.

Key words: Community health services, TCM therapy, Traditional Chinese medicine appropriate technology, Hypertension due to phlegm-dampness