In the frequency domain, the phases (ϕ) and the modulations (m) of the signal are measured at several harmonic frequencies. In this case, the phasor coordinates are given by

si(ω) = m sin (ϕ), gi(ω) = m cos (ϕ) (10.2)

In the phasor plot, the values of gi(ω) and si(ω) are thought of as coordinates of vectors with origin in the (0,0) point. Phasors are normalized so that the coordinates have no units. In the phasor plot, the horizontal axis is used for the g (or cosine) transform. e values of g are between 0 and 1. e vertical axis is for s (the sine transform), which has a value between 0 and 0.5. ese phasors follow the normal vector algebra. eir coordinates can be added or subtracted.