Artificial intelligence (AI) has been one of the most significant technological advances of recent years, and its impact on wireless communication systems has been significant. The role of AI has become increasingly important in establishing higher-bandwidth radio channel capacity. In this chapter, we discuss 5G and 6G radio communication embedded systems that use artificial intelligence (AI). We also investigate the effect of obstructions due to vegetation on wireless communication propagation, and discuss the prediction of radio attenuation due to such obstruction using AI-driven embedded processing. A fitted ITU-R (F-ITU-R) model is used to predict vegetation obstruction attenuation for 28-GHz, 37-GHz, 39-GHz and 73-GHz frequencies. The chapter also discusses transmission signal power control prediction. Shannon channel capacity (SCC) is predicted for the selected frequencies. The results discussed in this chapter are useful for both researchers and industries involved in wireless system link budget analysis.