The resulting adverse health effects on young children include impairment of the central nervous system, mental retardation, and behavioral disorders. In this chapter, the authors attempted to compare analytical results from samples subjected to both techniques, and to include a third: Scanning Electron Microscopy and Energy Dispersive X-Ray Analysis (SEM/EDXA), which may aid in measurement of layer thickness, uniformity, and chemical composition. Since inductively coupled argon plasma is the only analytical method of the three performed that is destructive, it was done last. SEM/EDXA information was very useful when related to adjacent layers. Spectrum-type XRFs could present serious problems in determination of lead concentration in paint buried deep in the subsurface, or in situations where lead-containing material are near or behind the surface being sampled. Continued collection of data from our future daily analytical work should prove beneficial in the refinement of the techniques mentioned here and may contribute to the improvement of the equipment used.