Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the most known ancient human disease which is caused by Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (MTB). Surprisingly, at present it is one of the major causes of death of human around the globe. Complete genome sequencing of MTB provides us a storehouse of genomic information to study about MTB’s complex pathogenicity. Among 3924 Open Reading frame of MTB, the Uncharacterized Protein Rv1708 is encoded by Rv1708 gene and it is a inferred to be a cell cycle regulatory protein. It is anticipated that during cell division the Uncharacterized Protein Rv1708 play a critical role in septum formation of MTB. Thus, it becomes the mediator of cell cycle progression and cell division. Inhibition of bacterial cell division by blocking its associated protein is known to be therapeutic target for defeating disease. But the Uncharacterized Protein Rv1708 of the MTB remained unexplored. So, our aim is to propose the structural and functional features in addition to reveal the physicochemical properties. Homology modelling of the Uncharacterized Protein Rv1708 was generated by using Phyre2 and Swiss Model. The in-stability index generated by using the ExPasy’s ProtParam tool shows that the Uncharacterized Protein Rv1708 is stable and its nature is acidic. Ramachandran map analysis by MolProbity reveals 95.5% of all residues were in allowed regions and 87.7% of all residues were in favored regions; which is indicating strong evidence of good quality of protein structure. This in-silico process will unveil the role of unexplored Uncharacterized Protein Rv1708 of MTB, and so it can pave the way for enriching our knowledge of the pathogenesis and drug-targeting approach for MTB.