American Association for Cancer Research
crc-22-0468_fig6.png (179.71 kB)

FIGURE 6 from Development of an Anti-canine PD-L1 Antibody and Caninized PD-L1 Mouse Model as Translational Research Tools for the Study of Immunotherapy in Humans

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posted on 2023-05-15, 14:20 authored by Wonkyung Oh, Alyssa Min Jung Kim, Deepika Dhawan, Perry M. Kirkham, Raluca Ostafe, Jackeline Franco, Uma K. Aryal, Robert H. Carnahan, Valery Patsekin, J. Paul Robinson, Deborah W. Knapp, Seung-Oe Lim

Pharmacokinetic analysis of 12C chimeric antibody in laboratory dogs. A, Schematic diagram of ELISA for pharamacokinetic analysis. The concentration of the 12C chimeric antibody was measured in the 2 mg/kg (B) or 5 mg/kg (C) 12C antibody-treated dogs’ serum.


Leidos Biomedical Research Inc. Research Contract

Purdue EVPRP Office

HHS | National Institutes of Health (NIH)

HHS | NIH | National Cancer Institute (NCI)



Our cPD-L1 antibody and unique caninized mouse model will be critical research tools to improve the efficacy of immune checkpoint blockade therapy in both dogs and humans. Furthermore, these tools will open new perspectives for immunotherapy applications in cancer as well as other autoimmune diseases that could benefit a diverse and broader patient population.