American Association for Cancer Research
00085472can191044-sup-219954_2_supp_5894434_q0m34n.pdf (1.03 MB)

Supplementary Data from Prophylactic In Vivo Hematopoietic Stem Cell Gene Therapy with an Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Reverses Tumor Growth in Syngeneic Mouse Tumor Models

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journal contribution
posted on 2023-03-31, 03:23 authored by Chang Li, Meredith M. Course, Iain A. McNeish, Charles W. Drescher, Paul N. Valdmanis, André Lieber

Supplementary Fig. S1. Rat Neu is expressed in MMC cells. Supplementary Fig. S2. Gating strategy used for immunophenotyping. Supplementary Fig. S3. Immunophenotyping of GFP+ cells in the bone marrow and spleen (MMC model). Supplementary Fig.S4. GFP expression in tumor-infiltrating leukocytes after in vivo HSPC transduction (TC-1 model). Supplementary Fig. S5. Validation of miR-423-5p expression by Northern blot. Supplementary Fig.S6. miRNA423-5p expression in humans. Supplementary Fig. S7. Autoimmune reactions in animals sacrificed at day 17 at the peak of aPDL1-gamma1, before reversal of tumor growth. Supplementary Fig. S8. Effect of anti-PDL1 monoclonal antibody therapy in neu-transgenic mice with MMC tumors. Supplementary Fig. S9. Effect of in vivo HSC transduction on hemopoiesis. Suppl. Methods





Population-wide testing for cancer-associated mutations has established that more than one-fifth of ovarian and breast carcinomas are associated with inherited risk. Salpingo-oophorectomy and/or mastectomy are currently the only effective options offered to women with high-risk germline mutations. Our goal here is to develop a long-lasting approach that provides immunoprophylaxis for mutation carriers. Our approach leverages the fact that at early stages, tumors recruit hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells (HSPC) from the bone marrow and differentiate them into tumor-supporting cells. We developed a technically simple technology to genetically modify HSPCs in vivo. The technology involves HSPC mobilization and intravenous injection of an integrating HDAd5/35++ vector. In vivo HSPC transduction with a GFP-expressing vector and subsequent implantation of syngeneic tumor cells showed >80% GFP marking in tumor-infiltrating leukocytes. To control expression of transgenes, we developed a miRNA regulation system that is activated only when HSPCs are recruited to and differentiated by the tumor. We tested our approach using the immune checkpoint inhibitor anti-PD-L1-γ1 as an effector gene. In in vivo HSPC-transduced mice with implanted mouse mammary carcinoma (MMC) tumors, after initial tumor growth, tumors regressed and did not recur. Conventional treatment with an anti-PD-L1 mAb had no significant antitumor effect, indicating that early, self-activating expression of anti-PD-L1-γ1 can overcome the immunosuppressive environment in MMC tumors. The efficacy and safety of this approach was further validated in an ovarian cancer model with typical germline mutations (ID8 p53−/− brca2−/−), both in a prophylactic and therapeutic setting. This HSPC gene therapy approach has potential for clinical translation. Considering the limited prophylactic options that are currently offered to women with high-risk germ-line mutations, the in vivo HSPC gene therapy approach is a promising strategy that addresses a major medical problem.