
Attention is drawn to some distributions on ascreen Quasi-Generalized Cauchy-Riemannian (QGCR) null submanifolds in an indefinite nearly cosymplectic manifold. We characterize totally umbilical and irrotational ascreen QGCR-null submanifolds. We finally discuss the geometric effects of geodesity conditions on such submanifolds.

1. Introduction

One of the current interesting research areas in semi-Riemannian geometry is the theory of null (or lightlike) submanifolds. An intrinsic approach to the theory of null submanifolds was advanced by Kupeli [1], yet an extrinsic counterpart had to wait for Duggal and Bejancu [2], and later by Duggal and Sahin [3]. Since then, many researchers have laboured to extend their theories with evidence from the following few selected papers: [311] and other references therein. The rapid increase in research on this topic, since 1996, is inspired by the numerous applications of the theory to mathematical physics, particularly in general relativity. More precisely, in general relativity, null submanifolds represent different models of black hole horizons (see [2, 3] for details).

In [5], the authors initiated the study of generalized CR- (GCR-) null submanifolds of an indefinite Sasakian manifold, which are tangent to the structure vector field, , of the almost contact structure . Moreover, when is tangent to the submanifold, Calin [12] proved that it belongs to its screen distribution. This assumption is widely accepted and it has been applied in many papers on null contact geometry, for instance, [3, 5, 811, 13]. It is worth mentioning that is a global vector field defined on the entire tangent bundle of the ambient almost contact manifold. Thus, restricting it to the screen distribution is only one of those cases in which it can be placed. In the study of Riemannian CR-submanifolds of Sasakian manifolds, Yano and Kon [14, p. 43] proved that making a normal vector field in such scenario leads to an anti-invariant submanifold, and hence was kept tangent to the CR-submanifold. Their proof leans against the fact that the shape operator on such CR-submanifold is naturally symmetric with respect to the induced Riemannian metric . On the other hand, the shape operators of any -null submanifold are generally not symmetric with respect to the induced degenerate metric (see [2, 3] for details).

In an attempt to generalize , we introduced a special class of CR-null submanifolds of a nearly Sasakian manifold, known as quasi-generalized CR- (QGCR-) null submanifold [15], for which the classical GCR-null submanifolds [3] form part. Among other benefits, generalizing leads to QGCR-null submanifolds of lower dimensions and with quite different geometric properties compared to respective GCR-null submanifolds.

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the geometry of distributions on ascreen QGCR-null submanifolds of indefinite nearly cosymplectic manifolds. A null submanifold of an indefinite nearly cosymplectic manifold is called ascreen if the structure vector field belongs to [16]. The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we present the basic notions of null submanifolds and nearly cosymplectic manifolds. More details can be found in [1722]. In Section 3, we review the basic notions of QGCR-null submanifolds and we give an example of ascreen QGCR-null submanifold. In Section 4, we discuss totally umbilical, totally geodesic, and irrotational ascreen QGCR-null submanifolds of an indefinite nearly cosymplectic space form . Finally, in Section 5 we investigate the geodesity of the distributions and .

2. Preliminaries

Let be a codimension submanifold of a semi-Riemannian manifold of constant index , , with . Then, is said to be a null submanifold of if the tangent and normal bundles of have a nontrivial intersection. This intersection defines a smooth distribution on , called the radical distribution [2]. More precisely, consider ; one defines the orthogonal complement of the tangent space by If we denote the radical distribution on by , then . The submanifold of is said to be -null submanifold (one supposes that the index of is ), if the mapping defines a smooth distribution on of rank .

In this paper, -null submanifold will simply be called a null submanifold and is a null metric, unless we need to specify .

Let be a screen distribution which is a semi-Riemannian complementary distribution of in ; that is,Consider a screen transversal bundle , which is semi-Riemannian and complementary to in . For any local basis of , there exists a local null frame in such that and . It follows that there exists a null transversal vector bundle locally spanned by (see details in [2, 3]). If denotes the complementary (but not orthogonal) vector bundle to in , then,It is important to note that the screen distribution is not unique and is canonically isomorphic to the factor vector bundle [1].

Given a null submanifold , then the following classifications of are well-known [2]: (i) is -null if ; (ii) is coisotropic if , ; (iii) is isotropic if , ; (iv) is totally null if , .

Where necessary, the following range of indices will be used Consider a local quasi-orthonormal fields of frames of along as where and are, respectively, orthonormal bases of and .

Throughout the paper we consider to be a set of smooth sections of the vector bundle .

Let be the projection morphism of onto . Then, the following are the Gauss-Weingarten equations of -null submanifold and (see [2, 3] for detailed explanations):where and are the induced connections on and , respectively and and are symmetric bilinear forms known as local null and screen fundamental forms of , respectively. Furthermore, are the second fundamental forms of . , , and are linear operators on while , , , and are 1-forms on . Note that the second fundamental tensor of is given byfor any . The connection is a metric connection on while is generally not a metric connection and is given by for any and are 1-forms given by , for all By using (7), (8), and (9), the curvature tensors and of and , respectively, are related as, for any ,A null submanifold of an indefinite manifold is said to be totally umbilical in [3] if there is a smooth transversal vector field , called the transversal curvature vector of such thatMoreover, it is easy to see that is totally umbilical in , if and only if on each coordinate neighborhood there exist smooth vector fields and and smooth functions and such that, for all .

Let us now consider to be a -dimensional manifold endowed with an almost contact structure ; that is, is a tensor field of type , is a vector field, and is a 1-form satisfyingThen is called an indefinite almost contact metric structure on if is an almost contact structure on and is a semi-Riemannian metric on such that [19], for any vector field , on ,An indefinite almost contact metric manifold is said to be nearly cosymplectic ifwhere is the Levi-Civita connection for . Taking in (19), we getIt is easy to verify the following properties of : for all . Let denote the fundamental 2-form of defined by Then the 1-form and tensor are related as follows.

Lemma 1. Let be indefinite nearly cosymplectic. Then,Moreover, is cosymplectic if and only if vanishes identically on .

Note that, for all , , , which means that the tensor is skew-symmetric. The following lemma is fundamental to the sequel.

Lemma 2. Let be a nearly cosymplectic manifold. Thenfor all .

Proof. The proof follows from a straightforward calculation.

3. Quasi-Generalized CR-Null Submanifolds

We recall some basic notions on QGCR-null submanifolds (see [15] for details).

The structure vector field of an indefinite almost contact manifold can be written according to decomposition (4) as follows:where is a smooth vector field of while , , and , all smooth functions on . Here .

We adopt the definition of quasi-generalized CR- (QGCR-) null submanifolds given in [15] for indefinite nearly cosymplectic manifolds.

Definition 3. Let be a null submanifold of an indefinite nearly cosymplectic manifold . We say that is quasi-generalized CR- (QGCR-) null submanifold of if the following conditions are satisfied.
(i) There exist two distributions and of such that(ii) There exist vector bundles and over such thatwhere is a nondegenerate distribution on and and are, respectively, vector subbundles of and .

If , , , and , then is called a proper QGCR-null submanifold.

A proof of the following proposition uses similar arguments as in [15].

Proposition 4. A QGCR-null submanifold of an indefinite nearly cosymplectic manifold tangent to the structure vector field is a GCR-null submanifold.

Using (2), the tangent bundle of any QGCR-null submanifold, , can be decomposed as Unlike a GCR-null submanifold, in a QGCR-null submanifold, is invariant with respect to while is not generally anti-invariant.

Throughout this paper, we suppose that is a proper QGCR-null submanifold. From the above definition, we can easily deduce the following:(1)Condition (i) implies that .(2)Condition (ii) implies that and .

Definition 5 (see [16]). A null submanifold of a semi-Riemannian manifold is said to be ascreen if the structure vector field, , belongs to .

From Definition , Lemma , and Theorem of [15], we have the following.

Theorem 6. Let be an ascreen QGCR-null submanifold of an indefinite nearly cosymplectic manifold ; then . If is a 3-null QGCR submanifold of an indefinite nearly cosymplectic manifold , then is ascreen null submanifold if and only if .

Proof. The proof follows from straightforward calculation as in [15].

It is crucial to note the following aspects with ascreen QGCR-null submanifold: item (2) of Definition 3 implies that and . Thus and , and any 7-dimensional ascreen QGCR-null submanifold is 3-null.

In what follows, we construct an ascreen QGCR-null submanifold of a special nearly cosymplectic manifold with (i.e., is a cosymplectic manifold). Thus, let denote the manifold with its usual cosymplectic structure given by where are Cartesian coordinates and , for .

Now, we use the above structure to construct the following example.

Example 7. Let be a semi-Euclidean space, with being of signature with respect to the canonical basis Let be a submanifold of given by where . By direct calculations, we can see that the vector fields form a local frame of . Then is spanned by , and, therefore, is 3-null. Further, ; therefore we set . Also and thus . It is easy to see that , so we set . On the other hand, following direct calculations, we have from which and . Clearly, . Further, and thus . Notice that and therefore . Also, and therefore . Finally, we calculate as follows. Using Theorem 6 we have . Applying to this equation we obtain . Now, substituting for and in this equation we get , from which we get . Since and , we conclude that is an ascreen QGCR-null submanifold of .

Proposition 8. There exist no coisotropic, isotropic, or totally null proper QGCR-null submanifolds of an indefinite nearly cosymplectic manifold.

4. Umbilical and Geodesic Ascreen QGCR-Null Submanifolds

In this section, we prove two main theorems concerning totally umbilical, totally geodesic and irrotational ascreen QGCR-null submanifolds of . An indefinite nearly cosymplectic manifold is called an indefinite nearly cosymplectic space form, denoted by , if it has the constant -sectional curvature . The curvature tensor of the indefinite nearly cosymplectic space form is given by [21]:for all .

Notice that and are orthogonal and nondegenerate subbundles of and that when is ascreen QGCR-null submanifold, we observe that

Theorem 9. Let , be a totally umbilical or totally geodesic ascreen QGCR-null submanifold of an indefinite nearly cosymplectic space form , of pointwise constant -sectional curvature , such that and are space-like and parallel distributions with respect to . Then, . Equality occurs when is an indefinite cosymplectic space form.

Proof. Let and be vector fields in and , respectively. Replacing with and with in (36), we getConsidering the first three terms on the right hand side of (38), we haveApplying (25) of Lemma 2 on (39) we deriveIn a similar way, using (26) of Lemma 2, we getNow substituting (40) and (41) into (38), we get from which we obtainThen using the facts that and are space-like and parallel with respect to , we have , and (43) reduces towhere denotes the norm on with respect to .
On the other hand, if we set and in (14), we havewhereBy the fact that is totally umbilical in , we have . Thus using (16), (46) becomesDifferentiating covariantly with respect to and then applying (7), we obtainSubstituting (48) into (47) givesSimilarly,Then, substituting (49) and (50) into (45), we getSubstituting (51) into (44), giveswhich implies that . When the ambient manifold is cosymplectic, then and [19] and in this case .

Example 10. Let be an ascreen QGCR-null submanifold in Example 7. Applying (7) and Koszul’s formula (see [2]) to Example 7 we obtainUsing (12), (53), and , we also deriveWe remark that is not totally geodesic. From (54) and (15) we note that is totally umbilical with By straightforward calculations we also have Thus, and are parallel distributions with respect to . Hence, satisfies Theorem 9 and .

Corollary 11. Let , be a totally umbilical or totally geodesic ascreen QGCR-null submanifold of an indefinite cosymplectic space form of pointwise constant -sectional curvature . Then, .

A null submanifold of a semi-Riemannian manifold is called irrotational [3] if , for any and . Equivalently, is irrotational iffor all and .

Theorem 12. Let , be an irrotational ascreen QGCR-null submanifold of an indefinite nearly cosymplectic space form of pointwise constant -sectional curvature . Then, or . Equality holds when is an indefinite cosymplectic space form.

Proof. By setting , , and in (14), we getfor any and . Then, using the fact that is irrotational, (58) reduces toOn the other hand, setting and in (36) and simplifying, we getNow, using (59) and (60), we getReplacing with in (61) and using (25) of Lemma 2 to the resulting equation givesSince is ascreen QGCR-null submanifold, there exists such that , and thus (62) simplifies toWe observe that if either (i.e., is cosymplectic space form [19]) or is a null vector field. The second case implies that belongs to or . If , then there exists a nonzero smooth function such that , for some arbitrary . Taking the -product of with leads to , from which . Since is ascreen QGCR-null submanifold, then, there is such that , hence a contradiction. Similar reasoning can be applied if . Therefore, only if (i.e., ) which occurs when is cosymplectic space form [19]. It turns out that or depending on whether is space-like or time-like vector field, respectively.

Corollary 13. Let , be an irrotational ascreen QGCR-null submanifold of an indefinite cosymplectic space form of pointwise constant -sectional curvature . Then, .

It is easy to see from (54) that and hence given in Example 10 is an irrotational ascreen QGCR-null submanifold of an indefinite cosymplectic space form . As is proved in that example .

5. Mixed Totally Geodesic QGCR-Null Submanifolds

Definition 14. A QGCR-null submanifold of an indefinite nearly cosymplectic manifold is called mixed totally geodesic if its second fundamental form, , satisfies , for any and .

We will need the following lemma in the next theorem.

Lemma 15. Let be any 3-null proper ascreen QG CR-null submanifold of an indefinite nearly cosymplectic manifold . Then, for any and .

Proof. The proof follows from straightforward calculations using and .

Theorem 16. Let be a 3-null proper ascreen QGCR-null submanifold of an indefinite nearly cosymplectic manifold . Then, is mixed totally geodesic if and only if and , for all , , , and .

Proof. By the definition of ascreen QGCR-null submanifold, is mixed geodesic iffor all , , , and . Now, by virtue of (12) and the first equation of (65), we have from which , since . On the other hand, using (65), (7), and (11) we deriveSince and , we observe that or . In fact, suppose that ; then there exists a nonvanishing smooth function such that , for . Thus,Taking in (68), where and using Lemma 15, we have which is a contradiction, since . Hence . Moreover, since if , then there is a nonvanishing smooth function such that . Taking the -product of this equation with respect to and using the fact that , we get which is a contradiction, since and . Hence, , which implies that . Since , then the nondegeneracy of implies that there exists some such that . But using (11) and (7), together with the fact that is mixed geodesic, we derivewhich is a contradiction. Thus ; that is, . The converse is obvious.

Corollary 17. Let be a proper ascreen QGCR-null submanifold of an indefinite nearly cosymplectic manifold . Then, if is mixed totally geodesic then and , for all and .

Definition 18. A QGCR-null submanifold of an indefinite nearly cosymplectic manifold is called -totally geodesic if its second fundamental form satisfies

Since is ascreen QGCR-null submanifold, we have , for all . Applying to we getInterchanging and in (72) and then adding the resulting equation to (72) gives

Theorem 19. Let be a proper ascreen QGCR-null submanifold of an indefinite nearly cosymplectic manifold . Then, is -totally geodesic if and only if and , respectively, have no components along and , while both and for all , , and .

Proof. By the definition of ascreen QGCR-null submanifold, is geodesic if and only if , for all , , and .
Using (7) and (18), we derive from which when we apply (20) we getInterchanging and in (75) and considering the fact that is symmetric we getSumming (75) and (76) and then applying (73), we haveNow, applying the nearly cosymplectic condition in (19) to (77) leads toFrom (78) and (7) we deriveIf we let in (79), we obtainOn the other hand, for , we getIt is easy to see from (80) and (81) that if and , then . The other assertions follows in the same way. The converse is obvious.

Corollary 20. Let be a proper ascreen QGCR-null submanifold of an indefinite nearly cosymplectic manifold . If is -totally geodesic then and , for all , , and .

Corollary 21. Let be a proper ascreen QGCR-null submanifold of an indefinite nearly cosymplectic manifold . If is -totally geodesic, then defines a totally geodesic foliation in .

Competing Interests

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.


Samuel Ssekajja extends his sincere gratitude to the African Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) and the Simon Foundation through the RGSM-Network project, for their financial support during this research. Finally, both authors are grateful to the referee for his/her valuable comments and suggestions that helped them improve the paper.