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Seed-Guided Topic Model for Document Filtering and Classification

Published:06 December 2018Publication History
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One important necessity is to filter out the irrelevant information and organize the relevant information into meaningful categories. However, developing text classifiers often requires a large number of labeled documents as training examples. Manually labeling documents is costly and time-consuming. More importantly, it becomes unrealistic to know all the categories covered by the documents beforehand. Recently, a few methods have been proposed to label documents by using a small set of relevant keywords for each category, known as dataless text classification. In this article, we propose a seed-guided topic model for the dataless text filtering and classification (named DFC). Given a collection of unlabeled documents, and for each specified category a small set of seed words that are relevant to the semantic meaning of the category, DFC filters out the irrelevant documents and classifies the relevant documents into the corresponding categories through topic influence. DFC models two kinds of topics: category-topics and general-topics. Also, there are two kinds of category-topics: relevant-topics and irrelevant-topics. Each relevant-topic is associated with one specific category, representing its semantic meaning. The irrelevant-topics represent the semantics of the unknown categories covered by the document collection. And the general-topics capture the global semantic information. DFC assumes that each document is associated with a single category-topic and a mixture of general-topics. A novelty of the model is that DFC learns the topics by exploiting the explicit word co-occurrence patterns between the seed words and regular words (i.e., non-seed words) in the document collection. A document is then filtered, or classified, based on its posterior category-topic assignment. Experiments on two widely used datasets show that DFC consistently outperforms the state-of-the-art dataless text classifiers for both classification with filtering and classification without filtering. In many tasks, DFC can also achieve comparable or even better classification accuracy than the state-of-the-art supervised learning solutions. Our experimental results further show that DFC is insensitive to the tuning parameters. Moreover, we conduct a thorough study about the impact of seed words for existing dataless text classification techniques. The results reveal that it is not using more seed words but the document coverage of the seed words for the corresponding category that affects the dataless classification performance.


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Index Terms

  1. Seed-Guided Topic Model for Document Filtering and Classification



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        ACM Transactions on Information Systems  Volume 37, Issue 1
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        Association for Computing Machinery

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        Publication History

        • Published: 6 December 2018
        • Revised: 1 June 2018
        • Accepted: 1 June 2018
        • Received: 1 January 2018
        Published in tois Volume 37, Issue 1


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