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Why I became a neurologist
  1. Geoffrey A Donnan
  1. Correspondence to Dr G A Donnan, Director, Florey Neuroscience Institutes, Level 2 Alan Gilbert Building, 161 Barry Street, Carlton South, Victoria 3053, Australia; gdonnan{at}

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I spent my formative years in rural Victoria, one of the most southern States in Australia. Perhaps because of this, in my final year of schooling there were two things I knew that I wanted to do with my life. Firstly, I wanted to have a career which involved seeing the world. Secondly, the career would need to involve something with a science component as maths and science were my preferred school subjects. I was heavily influenced by having a father who was an engineer and he was keen for me to follow in his footsteps. To complicate matters, my grandfather was a physician and had the same view. Based on virtually no evidence, and perhaps more …

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