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PARE0003 Mobile Apps “The Bone Thief”, First Electronic Application on Osteoporosis
  1. J.-N. Dachicourt1,
  2. D. Poivret2,
  3. C. Bonnet3,
  4. G. Chales4,
  5. F. Alliot-Launois5,
  6. L. Carton6,
  7. L. Grange7
  8. on behalf of Association Francaise de Lutte Anti-Rhumatismale
  1. 1Genaral manager, AFLAR, Paris
  2. 2Rhumatologie, Centre Hospitalier, Metz Thionville
  3. 3Rhumatologie, Centre Hospitalier, Limoges
  4. 4Rhumatologie, Centre Hospitalier, Rennes
  5. 5Rhumatologie, Centre Hospitalier Pitie Salpetriere
  6. 6AFLAR, Paris
  7. 7Rhumatologie, Centre Hospitalier, Grenoble, France


Background Osteoporosis is a real matter or public health affecting more than 1 woman out of 3 and 1 man out of 12 (1). Over 50 years old, at least 1 woman out of 3 and 1 man out of 8 will suffer from an osteoporotic-caused fracture (2). Osteoporosis is a heavy-consequence pathology as every thighbone-upper-end-fracture leads to an average 21 days of hospitalization, 21% of patients die within three months, with a twice higher mortality rate amongst men. Silent before fracture happens, this pathology is commonly under-treated and under-diagnosed. General public has to realize how serious it is and large scale screening tests must take place to improve care.

Objectives In 2011, AFLAR performed the first information leaflet and prevention of osteoporosis. Bringing awareness and develop good habits of life is the goal of the “bone thief”. Following completion of this fisrt paper brochure, it was designed a mobile application available on apple store and android market. First mobile application in France targeted to general public and doctors. In partnership with institutional support of Yoplait, the purpose of this apps is to improve the image and the management of a silent disease: osteoporosis.

Methods To conceive this new public information media tools on osteoporosis, a physical brainstorming meeting took place, as well as two phone conferences about redaction. Patients members of AFLAR were included, as well as AFLAR recognized experts. They all participated equally to the conception and the redaction. The goal was to determine the key messages to improve care of osteoporosis and therefore its screening and its treatment.

Results Downloadable iOS and Android, this free application accepts several headings. The first concerns the disease (definition, treatment, reflexes acquire and drug care); one second section details the risk factors via a quiz developed by the Scientific Committee of GRIO, in partnership with the AFLAR. This section asked questions concerning the physical identity (gender, age, weight), family history in tobacco consumption as well as treatments that may influence the onset of osteoporosis. A third section, entitled “Bone thieves” enumerates a list of tips to reduce the risk of fracture, “physical activity to maintain muscle tone, choosing a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D, sample recipes, exhibition the sun”. Notifications could be set up for calcium consumption, weekly physical activity through a “recall” feature provided by the application.

Conclusions This mobile apps “the bone thief” is one of the first electronic applications through proactive notifications, call forwarding and other information messages, making it a truely electronic coach. The application offers real interactivity, reading fracture risk encouraging the patient to consult his doctor.


  1. Alzahouri K, Bahrami S, Durand-Zaleski I, Guillemin F, Roux C. Cost-effectiveness of osteoporosis treatments in postmenopausal women using FRAX™ thresholds for decision. Joint Bone Spine. 2013 Jan;80(1):64-9

  2. Bliuc D, Nguyen ND, Nguyen TV, Eisman JA, Center JR. Compound risk of high mortality following osteoporotic fracture and re-fracture in elderly women and men. J Bone Miner Res. 2013 Apr 24.

Disclosure of Interest None declared

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