Original paper

Notes on the genus Eurhynchiastrum (Bryophyta, Brachytheciaceae) in the Iberian Peninsula

Guerra, Juan

Nova Hedwigia Band 102 Heft 3-4 (2016), p. 359 - 365

published: May 1, 2016

DOI: 10.1127/nova_hedwigia/2015/0313

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This paper is a morphological study of the genus Eurhynchiastrum in the Iberian Peninsula. Previously only one species, E. pulchellum, was recognized in the area including two varieties, var. pulchellum and var. diversifolium. The study shows that there are two clearly distinguishable taxa based on some morphological characters and ecological behavior of the samples. A new combination, Eurhynchiastrum diversifolium (Schimp.) J. Guerra, based on Eurhynchium diversifolium Schimp., is made and lectotypified herein. An identification key to both species and descriptions are included.


eurhynchiastrum pulchellumlectotypificationiberian peninsulabrachytheciaceaeeurhynchiastrum diversifolium comb. nov