Original paper

Chemical variation of chromite in the central sector of Xerolivado chrome mine of Vourinos, Western Macedonia, Greece

Filippidis, A.

Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie - Monatshefte Jg. 1997 Heft 8 (1997), p. 354 - 370

43 references

published: Oct 11, 1997

DOI: 10.1127/njmm/1997/1997/354

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The serpentinite (originally dunite) of the central sector of Xerolivado chrome mine, which hosts seven schlieren chromite bodies, contains on average 1 % by volume, disseminated chromite grains. Modal analyses showed that the chromite-bands of the schlieren ore, contain on average 70 % chromite (concentrated chromite), while the serpentinite-bands of the schlieren contain on average 5 % chromite. All chromite types are intensely fractured and show no optical or chemical zonation. The main silicate mineral in contact with chromite is serpentine. Concentrated chromite within the chromite-bands of the schlieren, is richer in Mg and poorer in Fe2+, compared to the disseminated chromite within the serpentinite. The chromite, disseminated within the serpentinite-bands of the schlieren, showed an intermediate composition. The disseminated chromite within the serpentinite showed, on average, a slight difference from the other two types of chromite, concerning the Al and Cr contents. These chemical variations of chromite are mainly due to subsolidus process, involving chromite, silicates and fluids, but also reflect initial differences in conditions of crystallization at the magmatic stage.

