Original paper

A new, highly diverse paguroid assemblage from the Oxfordian (Upper Jurassic) of southern Poland and its environmental distribution

Fraaije, René H.B.; Klompmaker, Adiël A.; Jagt, John W.M.; Krobicki, Michał; van Bakel, Barry W.M.

Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen Band 304 Heft 1 (2022), p. 1 - 12

42 references

published: May 16, 2022
manuscript accepted: Mar 1, 2022
manuscript received: Feb 12, 2022

DOI: 10.1127/njgpa/2022/1054

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Over the past fifteen years, numerous new Mesozoic paguroid assemblages have been described. Here we add a new, diverse hermit crab faunule comprising members of the families Gastrodoridae, Paguropsidae, Pilgrimchelidae, Pylochelidae and Schobertellidae, as well as a single symmetrical tergite from Upper Jurassic (middle Oxfordian) limestones in Szklarka valley, near Kraków, southern Poland. The paguroid taxa occur mainly in the massive sponge-microbial limestones rather than in the adjacent platy limestones. Previously described species in this lot comprise Ammopylocheles robertboreki, Eopaguropsis nidiaquilae, Gastrodorus bzowiensis, Jurapylocheles iwonae, Masticacheles longirostris and Pilgrimcheles karolinae. The occurrence of Daciapagurus szklarkaensis n. sp. extends the stratigraphical and palaeogeographical range of the genus from the early Kimmeridgian to the middle Oxfordian, while Pylochelitergites cicatrix n. sp. constitutes a novel type of symmetrical paguroid tergite. Both these taxa demonstrate the presence of pylochelids during the early history of paguroid anomurans. With up to eight genera represented, this is the oldest, most diverse extinct paguroid faunule on record to date.


AnomuraPaguroideanew taxaCentral Europe