Original paper

Bestandsaufnahme der Publikationssprachen in der Entomologie

[Record of Publication Languages in Entomology]

Malicky, Hans

Entomologia Generalis Volume 18 Number 3-4 (1994), p. 285 - 292

2 references

published: Jan 1, 1994

DOI: 10.1127/entom.gen/18/1994/285

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In addition to English German, French, Italian, Spanish and Russian are important, and many other (mainly European) languages are used as publication languages in Entomology. In the samples presented here, non-English publications account from 10% to 61%, with increasing importance in entomological fields where amateurs dominate. Many entomologists of non-English mother tongue are opposing the idea to use English as the only scientific language in Europe. Serious workers in any field of Entomology in Europe (but also in other continents) should therefore provide themselves with sufficient knowledge of German and French, and some knowledge of Italian and Spanish. An efficient retrieval system for literature on European basis is badly needed. The available commercial retrieval systems are not efficient enough.


languagesentomologyEuropescientific language