Original paper

Cladistics of the Ichneumonid Subfamily Labeninae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae)

Wahl, David Bruce

Entomologia Generalis Volume 18 Number 1-2 (1993), p. 91 - 105

18 references

published: Jun 1, 1993

DOI: 10.1127/entom.gen/18/1993/91

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The cladistic analysis of the genera of Labeninae by Gauld is reviewed. The tribus Brachycyrtini is removed from Labeninae. While generic relationships within Gauld's tribus are essentially unchanged, a different set of tribus relationships was found. At the generic level, Apechoneura Kriechbaumer 1890 is synonymized with Certonotus Kriechbaumer 1889 (n. syn.) Macrogrotea Brèthes 1916 is synonymized with Grotea Cresson 1864 (n. syn.) and Echthropsis Brèthes 1916 maintained as a synonym of Grotea. The mature larva of Labium Brullé 1846 is described for the first time. The Brachycyrtini are hypothesized to be the sister-group of Phygadeuontinae + Ichneumoninae, and are elevated to subfamilia rank. Within Brachycyrtinae, Habryllia Walkley 1956 is synonymized with Brachycyrtus Kriechbaumer 1880 (n. syn.).

