Original paper

The trophic transfer via a picoplankton-flagellate-copepod food chain during a picocyanobacterial bloom in Lake Biwa trab:4

Nagata, Toshi; Takai, Kenji; Kawabata, Kei-ichi; Nakanishi, Masami; Urabe, Jotaro

Archiv für Hydrobiologie Volume 137 Number 2 (1996), p. 145 - 160

41 references

published: Aug 14, 1996

DOI: 10.1127/archiv-hydrobiol/137/1996/145

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We examined whether or not the production of autotrophic picoplankton and heterotrophic bacteria (collectively, picoplankton) is funnelled up food web via a picoplankton-nanoflagellate-copepod food chain during a picocyanobacterial bloom in Lake Biwa. The experiment was carried out in late summer when the abundance of picocyanobacteria was of its seasonal maximum (7 x 105 cells ml-1) and copepods (Eodiaptomus japonicus) dominated the mesozooplankton assemblage. The grazing rates of a mesozooplankton assemblage on nanoflagellates and picoplankton were determined from changes in apparent growth rates of nanoflagellates and picoplankton with increasing mesozooplankton biomass in incubation bottles. Results indicated that the mesozooplankton assemblage consumed nanoflagellates but not picoplankton directly. Dilution culture experiments revealed that the production of picoplankton was mostly consumed by protozoan grazers in the cell-size fraction of <20 μm (nanoflagellates). carbon flux estimates indicated that of total carbon channelled from picoplankton to nanoflagellates (630 mg cm-2 day-1


picoplankton-flagellateLake Biwapicocyanobacteria