Original paper

DNA extraction from sternum bone for identification of a saponified body: use of a modified protocol

De Donno, Antonio; Mele, Federica; Baldassarra, Stefania Lonero; Martini, Alessandra; Lauretti, Chiara; Favia, Matteo; Introna, Francesco; Santoro, Valeria

Anthropologischer Anzeiger Volume 77 No. 3 (2020), p. 235 - 242

published: Aug 12, 2020
published online: Mar 25, 2020
manuscript accepted: Dec 22, 2019
manuscript revision received: Nov 29, 2019
manuscript revision requested: Sep 29, 2019
manuscript received: Sep 4, 2019

DOI: 10.1127/anthranz/2020/1162

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This paper discusses our approach and results obtained when attempting to identify a saponified human body recovered from the sea, without arms and legs. Bones, especially the long ones, are the only sources of DNA available in several cases involving unidentified bodies in advanced state of putrefaction. In this case, since the body was found without limbs, attempts were made to extract DNA from the sternum bone. The DNA was extracted using a modified version of the NucleoSpin® DNA Trace Kit (Macherey Nagel™) protocol and an STR analysis was performed. Thanks to this modified protocol a complete DNA profile was obtained from the sternum bone, while only partial results were obtained from blood and teeth. The DNA profile obtained from the sternum was compared with the DNA of the putative son searching for a genetic match. Five incompatibilities were detected so it was possible to exclude the kinship. In conclusion this could be a useful technique in personal identification through DNA analysis in case of poor quality and quantity of bone.


Forensic scienceForensic AnthropologyDNA extractionpersonal identificationsternum bonesaponified body