Original paper

Analysis of longitudinal data of height z-scores in kindergarten children – A pilot study

Czernitzki, Anna-Franziska; Pospisil, Christina; Musalek, Martin; Mumm, Rebekka; Scheffler, Christiane

Anthropologischer Anzeiger Volume 74 No. 2 (2017), p. 109 - 112

published: Jul 1, 2017
published online: May 8, 2017
manuscript accepted: Nov 25, 2016
manuscript revision received: Nov 24, 2016
manuscript revision requested: Sep 6, 2016
manuscript received: Sep 6, 2016

DOI: 10.1127/anthranz/2017/0708

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Abstract Changes in body height throughout extended historic periods are very complex and dynamic processes. This pilot study aimed to investigate the pattern of longitudinal height z-scores changes in children before and after entering kindergarten. In summer 2016, we measured height and weight of 32 children from 4 groups of two kindergartens aged 3–6 years. All ages were centered according to the age of entry into the kindergarten. For each child we determined mean z-scores for height before and after entering the kindergarten, and assessed the variances for each kindergarten group. Twenty-two children targeted in height z-scores towards average height of their respective kindergarten group, 10 children did not. Due to the small numbers, the convergence in height variance however, remained insignificant (chi-squared independence test, p = 0.127). Additional studies with larger sample sizes are needed to confirm this pilot study.


Height z-scorekindergarten childrensecular trendstrategic growth adjustmentsocial signal