Original paper

The influence of anti-corrosion compounds on algal growth

Ambrožová, Jana; Macák, Jan


At present, ecological considerations have more impact on the inhibitor choice than inhibition efficiency itself. In the presented study the biological toxicity assays on the green alga Scenedesmus quadricauda (Turp.) Bréb. Strain Greifswald/15 were performed. Toxicity of six corrosion inhibitors was tested. The toxicity of the tested chemicals is increasing in the order: dibenzylsulfoxide < propargylalcohol < benzimidazole < 1,2,3-benztriazole < propargylbenzoate < 1,2,4-triazole. Moreover carcinogenic and teratogenic impacts of the inhibitors were investigated. More detailed ecotoxicological tests should be performed as cancerous and morphological (mutagenic) impacts of some of the studied compounds on alga cells were found in the presented study.


heat power plantsanti-corrosion compoundstoxicity assaysgreen alga scenedesmus quadricauda