Original paper

Size, permanence and the proportion of predators in ponds

Bilton, David T.; Foggo, Andrew; Rundle, Simon D.

Archiv für Hydrobiologie Volume 151 Number 3 (2001), p. 451 - 458

19 references

published: May 23, 2001

DOI: 10.1127/archiv-hydrobiol/151/2001/451

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The species richness and proportion of predatory species were investigated in ponds of differing area and permanence on the Lizard Peninsula, West Cornwall, UK, an area with a high density of seasonally fluctuating waterbodies, and a rich aquatic biota. A total of 169 taxa were identified through monthly sampling of 16 ponds. Permanence, rather than pond area, was strongly related to overall species richness and the proportion of predators found. These results contrast with other studies which have shown strong effects of area on such community parameters. We suggest that issues of scale, and differences in regional species pools account for these contrasting results, and should be considered when searching for common factors underlying community attributes.


Species richnessspecies-area relationshippond communitytemporary ponds