11 March 2008 Feature selection and classification of multiparametric medical images using bagging and SVM
Yong Fan, Susan M. Resnick, Christos Davatzikos
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This paper presents a framework for brain classification based on multi-parametric medical images. This method takes advantage of multi-parametric imaging to provide a set of discriminative features for classifier construction by using a regional feature extraction method which takes into account joint correlations among different image parameters; in the experiments herein, MRI and PET images of the brain are used. Support vector machine classifiers are then trained based on the most discriminative features selected from the feature set. To facilitate robust classification and optimal selection of parameters involved in classification, in view of the well-known "curse of dimensionality", base classifiers are constructed in a bagging (bootstrap aggregating) framework for building an ensemble classifier and the classification parameters of these base classifiers are optimized by means of maximizing the area under the ROC (receiver operating characteristic) curve estimated from their prediction performance on left-out samples of bootstrap sampling. This classification system is tested on a sex classification problem, where it yields over 90% classification rates for unseen subjects. The proposed classification method is also compared with other commonly used classification algorithms, with favorable results. These results illustrate that the methods built upon information jointly extracted from multi-parametric images have the potential to perform individual classification with high sensitivity and specificity.
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Yong Fan, Susan M. Resnick, and Christos Davatzikos "Feature selection and classification of multiparametric medical images using bagging and SVM", Proc. SPIE 6914, Medical Imaging 2008: Image Processing, 69140Q (11 March 2008); Logo
Cited by 6 scholarly publications.
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Feature extraction

Image classification


Feature selection

Principal component analysis

Brain mapping

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