Acta Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2013, 61(5), 1521-1531 | DOI: 10.11118/actaun201361051521

Trends in temperature and precipitation in the period of 1961-2010 in ®abèice locality

Zdenìk ®alud1,2, Jan Brotan1, Petr Hlavinka1,2, Miroslav Trnka1,2
1 Department of Agrosystems and Bioclimatology, Mendel University in Brno, Zemìdìlská 1, 613 00 Brno, Czech Republic
2 Global Change Research Centre AS CR, v.v.i., Bìlidla 986/4a, 603 00, Brno, Czech Republic

The paper evaluates fifty-year series of meteorological data measured at the experimental field station of ®abèice training farm belonging to Mendel University in Brno. The evaluated temperature and precipitation data from 1961 to 2010 were divided into the normal period of 1961-1990 and the subsequent period of twenty years from 1991 to 2010. In addition to the monthly data, different parts of the year were assessed and compared. The findings of this local study carried out in the warmest and also the driest locality in the Czech Republic imply a change in the development of climate. Ten of the twelve months show higher average temperatures in the last two decades and similarly, a change in the rainfall distribution during the year has been observed. The decline in rainfall can be seen in spring period while the increase is evident in summer time. The highest difference in monthly temperatures of the two evaluated time periods was recorded in July (1.4 °C) and in August (1.7 °C). In accordance with the scenarios of climate change, lower rainfall totals were recorded in spring months (April to June), which, along with the temperature increase, negatively affects the agroclimatic conditions of the plant growth and development at the time of the intensive biomass production.

Keywords: long-term meteorological trends, climate variability, climate change, temperature, precipitation, climate diagram, agrometeorology
Grants and funding:

This study was conducted with the support of project NAZV QI91C054, 'Atlas of soil climate of the Czech Republic - Determination of soil temperature and moisture regimes and their influence on soil productivity. We gratefully acknowledge the support given "Establishment of International Scientific Team Focused on Drought Research" (No. CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0248) project and project "Partnership in Climate Research and Adaptation Strategies" (No. CZ.1.07/2.4.00/31.0056).

Received: April 11, 2013; Published: September 28, 2013  Show citation

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®alud, Z., Brotan, J., Hlavinka, P., & Trnka, M. (2013). Trends in temperature and precipitation in the period of 1961-2010 in ®abèice locality. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis61(5), 1521-1531. doi: 10.11118/actaun201361051521
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