Journal List > J Korean Thyroid Assoc > v.5(2) > 1056512

Kim and Kim: A Case of Killian-Jamieson Diverticulum Mimicking a Thyroid Nodule

Figures and Tables

Fig. 1
(A) The axial US scan shows normal esophagus. (B, C) The axial (B) and longitudinal (C) US scan of the left thyroid lobe shows 10.6×8.6×13.4 mm sized low echogenic lesion with some echogenic foci.
Fig. 2
(A, B) The esophagogastroscopy shows a outpouching lesion below the upper esophageal sphincter, containing food material.
Fig. 3
(A, B) The esophagography confirms a barium-filled sac protruding from the left anterolateral wall of the cervical esophagus (arrowheads).


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