Indium-Indium Pair Correlation and Surface Segregation in InGaAs Alloys

Jun-Hyung Cho, S. B. Zhang, and Alex Zunger
Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 3654 – Published 17 April 2000
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In-In pair correlations and In surface segregation in InxGa1xAs alloys are studied by first-principles total-energy calculations. By calculating the substitution energy of a single In atom, we find that the near-surface energetics explains the observed In segregation on InGaAs(001)β2(2×4) surfaces. Indium surface segregation further enhances the In site selectivity, thus the long-range ordering. We find that the [110] and [001] In-In pair correlations are repulsive and nearly isotropic in bulk but are highly anisotropic near the (001) surface. The sign of the [110] In-In interaction energies vs the distance from the surface is oscillatory. These findings explain the recent puzzling cross-sectional ×-STM results.

  • Received 28 May 1999


©2000 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Jun-Hyung Cho, S. B. Zhang, and Alex Zunger

  • National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, Colorado 80401

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Vol. 84, Iss. 16 — 17 April 2000

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