Threshold effects and radiative electroweak symmetry breaking in SU(5) extensions of the MSSM

A. Dedes, A. B. Lahanas, J. Rizos, and K. Tamvakis
Phys. Rev. D 55, 2955 – Published 1 March 1997
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We make a complete analysis of radiative symmetry breaking in the MSSM and its SU(5) extensions including low- and high-energy threshold effects in the framework of the two-loop renormalization group. In particular, we consider minimal SU(5), the missing-doublet SU(5), a Peccei-Quinn-invariant version of SU(5), as well as a version with light adjoint remnants. We derive permitted ranges for the parameters of these models in relation to predicted αs and MG values within the present experimental accuracy. The parameter regions allowed under the constraints of radiative symmetry breaking, perturbativity, and proton stability, include the experimentally designated domain for αs. In the case of the minimal SU(5), the values of αs obtained are somewhat large in comparison with the experimental average. The missing-doublet SU(5), generally, predicts smaller values of αs. In both versions of the missing doublet, the high-energy threshold effects on αs operate in the opposite direction than that in the case of the minimal model, leading to small values. In the case of the Peccei-Quinn version, however, the presence of an extra intermediate scale allows us to achieve an excellent agreement with the experimental αs values. Finally, the last considered version, with light remnants, exhibits unification of couplings at string scale at the expense, however, of rather large αs values.

  • Received 7 October 1996


©1997 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

A. Dedes1, A. B. Lahanas2, J. Rizos3, and K. Tamvakis1

  • 1Division of Theoretical Physics, Physics Department, University of Ioannina, GR-45110, Greece
  • 2University of Athens, Physics Department, Nuclear and Particle Physics Section, Ilissia, GR-157 71 Athens, Greece
  • 3International School for Advanced Studies, SISSA, Via Beirut 2-4, 34013 Trieste, Italy

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Vol. 55, Iss. 5 — 1 March 1997

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