Unifying logarithmic and factorial behavior in high-energy scattering

J. M. Cornwall and D. A. Morris
Phys. Rev. D 51, 4844 – Published 1 May 1995
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The elegant instanton calculus of Lipatov and others used to find factorially divergent behavior (gNN!) for Ng≫1 in gφ4 perturbation theory is strictly only applicable when all external momenta vanish; a description of high-energy 2→N scattering with N massive particles is beyond the scope of such techniques. On the other hand, a standard multiperipheral treatment of scattering with its emphasis on leading logarithms gives a reasonable picture of high-energy behavior but does not result in factorial divergences. Using a straightforward graphical analysis we present a unified picture of both these phenomena as they occur in the two-particle total cross section of gφ4 theory. We do not attempt to tame the unitarity violations associated with either multiperipheralism or the Lipatov technique at strong coupling.

  • Received 12 August 1994


©1995 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

J. M. Cornwall and D. A. Morris

  • University of California, Los Angeles, 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, California 90024

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Vol. 51, Iss. 9 — 1 May 1995

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