Excitonic order at strong coupling: Pseudospin, doping, and ferromagnetism

Leon Balents
Phys. Rev. B 62, 2346 – Published 15 July 2000
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A tight-binding model is introduced to describe the strong interaction limit of excitonic ordering. At stoichiometry, the model reduces in the strong-coupling limit to a pseudospin model with approximate U(4) symmetry. Excitonic order appears in the pseudospin model as in-plane pseudomagnetism. The U(4) symmetry unifies all possible singlet and triplet order parameters describing such states. Superexchange, Hunds-rule coupling, and other perturbations act as anisotropies splitting the U(4) manifold, ultimately stabilizing a paramagnetic triplet state. The tendency to ferromagnetism with doping (observed experimentally in the hexaborides) is explained as a spin-flip transition to a different orientation of the U(4) order parameter. The physical mechanism favoring such a reorientation is the enhanced coherence (and hence lower kinetic energy) of the doped electrons in a ferromagnetic background relative to the paramagnet. A discussion of the physical meaning of various excitonic states and their experimental consequences is also provided.

  • Received 6 March 2000


©2000 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Leon Balents

  • Physics Department, University of California, Santa Barbara, California 93106

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Vol. 62, Iss. 4 — 15 July 2000

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