First-principles study of multiple order-disorder transitions in Cd2AgAu Heusler alloys

R. McCormack and D. de Fontaine
Phys. Rev. B 54, 9746 – Published 1 October 1996
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The bcc-based Heusler alloys exhibit a series of order-disorder phase transitions as a function of temperature. The high-temperature phase is a disordered bcc solid solution, and the low-temperature phase is the Heusler structure. An intermediate ordered phase is also typically observed in real systems. A prototype cluster variation method (CVM) analysis is presented that shows that the relative stabilities of the Heusler and intermediate phases can vary continuously, depending on a fine balance between ordering tendencies in the constituent binary systems. Given these basic conclusions, a first-principles analysis of order-disorder transitions in Cd2AgAu was performed. A cluster expansion Hamiltonian was constructed based on a series of linearized muffin-tin orbital calculations in the atomic sphere approximation. CVM calculations were then performed in the ternary bcc tetrahedron approximation. In addition to the transition temperatures, long-range order parameters, and sublattice occupations for Cd2AgAu, an isoplethal section of the ternary phase diagram was also calculated. In general, agreement with experiment is excellent, given the first-principles nature of the calculation. This study clearly demonstrates the ability of first-principles statistical-mechanical calculations to treat complex ordering phenomena in ternary systems. © 1996 The American Physical Society.

  • Received 6 May 1996


©1996 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

R. McCormack and D. de Fontaine

  • Department of Materials Science, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720
  • Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Materials Science Division, Berkeley, California 94720

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Vol. 54, Iss. 14 — 1 October 1996

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