Polarization-dependent density-functional theory and quasiparticle theory: Optical response beyond local-density approximations

Wilfried G. Aulbur, Lars Jönsson, and John W. Wilkins
Phys. Rev. B 54, 8540 – Published 15 September 1996
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The polarization (P) dependence of the exchange-correlation energy (Exc) of semiconductors results in an effective field (2Exc/∂P2)Pγ1P in the Kohn-Sham equations [Gonze et al., Phys. Rev. Lett 74, 4035 (1995)]. This effective field is absent in local-density approximations such as LDA and GGA. We show that in the long-wavelength limit γ1χLDA1-χexpt1 where χ is the linear susceptibility. We find that γ1 scales roughly linearly with average bond length suggesting a simple, weakly material-dependent function Exc[P]. For medium-gap group IV and III-V semiconductors γ1 is remarkably constant: γ1=-0.25±0.05. Using the average LDA band gap mismatch Δ and the average quasiparticle gap Eg a simplified quasiparticle approach yields χLDA1-χQP1≃-Δ/(Egχ)=-0.27 *0.10 in good agreement with the value of γ1. However, for materials containing first-row elements (B,C,N,O) γ1 varies by a factor of 2 while Δ/(Egχ) is roughly constant. That is, the simple quasiparticle estimate fails to reproduce the polarization dependence of Exc[P]. For nonlinear response functions, an analysis of Exc[P] leads to Miller-like expressions χexpt(n)≃[χexpt/χLDA]n+1χLDA(n), n= 2, 3, where the formula for χ(3) is valid only when χ(2)=0. For χ(2), this estimate works well for all the materials including those containing first-row elements. © 1996 The American Physical Society.

  • Received 24 April 1996


©1996 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Wilfried G. Aulbur, Lars Jönsson, and John W. Wilkins

  • Department of Physics, Ohio State University, 174 West 18th Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43210-1106

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Vol. 54, Iss. 12 — 15 September 1996

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