Thermal conductivity and accommodation coefficient of spin-polarized atomic-hydrogen gas

M. J. Yoo and T. J. Greytak
Phys. Rev. B 52, 7215 – Published 1 September 1995
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The thermal conductivity of a spin-polarized atomic-hydrogen gas and its accommodation coefficient on saturated superfluid He4 films have been determined experimentally using a cell comprised of coaxial cylinders. The thermal conductivity was measured for temperatures 0.3<T<0.4 K and for magnetic fields 4.00<H<7.00 T. The value of the thermal conductivity for spin-polarized hydrogen is 3×103 W/K m for T=0.3 K and H=7.00 T. The measured thermal conductivity is independent of the applied magnetic field, and its magnitude and temperature dependence are in agreement with ab initio calculations for a paramagnetic Bose gas model. No evidence for anomalous transport due to thermal fluctuations in the gas magnetization has been observed. The accommodation coefficient for spin-polarized hydrogen upon saturated superfluid He4 films for 0.2<T<0.4 K and 3.00<H<7.00 T was found to be independent of the applied magnetic field and to be given by the expression ac=(0.56±0.06)T. This value is in agreement with previous measurements of the accommodation and sticking coefficients.

  • Received 27 January 1995


©1995 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

M. J. Yoo and T. J. Greytak

  • Department of Physics and Center for Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139

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Vol. 52, Iss. 10 — 1 September 1995

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