Electronic and transformation properties of a metastable defect introduced in n-type GaAs by α-particle irradiation

F. Danie Auret, Rudolph M. Erasmus, Stewart A. Goodman, and Walter E. Meyer
Phys. Rev. B 51, 17521 – Published 15 June 1995
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We report the electronic and transformation characteristics of an α-particle irradiation-induced defect in n-type GaAs with metastable properties, Eα3, as determined by deep-level transient spectroscopy. The Eα3, with an energy level at Ec-0.37 eV, captures electrons by multiphonon emission. It can be removed by hole injection and reintroduced during a first-order transformation under zero-bias annealing (activation energy ΔE=0.40 eV), or during reverse-bias annealing (ΔE=0.53 eV). It is suggested that Eα3 is related to a Si-impurity complex in n-type GaAs. Owing to its concentration and position in the band gap, Eα3 can significantly contribute to particle irradiation-induced carrier removal—due to its metastable properties the extent of the carrier removal may depend on bias and injection conditions.

  • Received 20 January 1995


©1995 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

F. Danie Auret, Rudolph M. Erasmus, Stewart A. Goodman, and Walter E. Meyer

  • Physics Department, University of Pretoria, Pretoria 0002, South Africa

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Vol. 51, Iss. 24 — 15 June 1995

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