Relativistic photoemission theory for space-filling potentials

M. Grass, J. Braun, and G. Borstel
Phys. Rev. B 50, 14827 – Published 15 November 1994
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We present as a direct generalization of the recently developed full-potential photoemission theory a relativistic theory for space-filling cell potentials. This theory is based on the well-known one-step model of photoemission. The Dirac equation is solved for space-filling cell potentials, using the relativistic phase functional approach. A practical scheme to calculate the generalized spin-density matrix of the photocurrent is described. The relationship between the new model and the widely used relativistic muffin-tin-like theory, as well as the connection to nonrelativistic full-potential photoemission is discussed. Moreover, a detailed analysis of the angular matrix elements and the selection rules for a single-cell potential in the relativistic and nonrelativistic case are given.

  • Received 1 July 1994


©1994 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

M. Grass, J. Braun, and G. Borstel

  • Department of Physics, University of Osnabrück, 49069 Osnabrück, Germany

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Vol. 50, Iss. 20 — 15 November 1994

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