Optical second-harmonic diffraction study of anisotropic surface diffusion: CO on Ni(110)

Xu-Dong Xiao, X. D. Zhu, W. Daum, and Y. R. Shen
Phys. Rev. B 46, 9732 – Published 15 October 1992
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We describe in detail a technique using optical second-harmonic (SH) diffraction from a one-dimensional laser-induced monolayer grating to probe surface diffusion of adsorbates and its anisotropy on a solid surface. The case of CO on Ni(110) is used as a demonstration. The two orthogonal and independent diffusion tensor components along [11¯0] and [001] are measured, exhibiting a strong anisotropy in both the activation energy Ediff and the preexponential factor D0 in the diffusion coefficients. A compensation effect between Ediff and D0 is observed. In comparison with CO/Ni(111) and CO/Ni(100), our result suggests that the Ni(110) surface seen by CO is much smoother than Ni(111) and Ni(100). Both advantages and limitations of the present technique are mentioned and possible complications in the data analysis are discussed.

  • Received 12 May 1992


©1992 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Xu-Dong Xiao, X. D. Zhu, W. Daum, and Y. R. Shen

  • Department of Physics, University of California, Materials Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California 94720

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Vol. 46, Iss. 15 — 15 October 1992

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