Current distribution in the two-component hierarchical percolation model

K. W. Yu and P. Y. Tong
Phys. Rev. B 46, 11487 – Published 1 November 1992
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We present an analytic solution of the current distribution in the hierarchical diamond lattice, which consists of two types of conductance, parametrized by the ratio h of poor to good conductance. Because of the iterative nature of the model, we are able to find exact recursion relations for the current distribution. For an extremely small h such that hLφ≪1, where L is the size of the lattice and φ the crossover exponent, we find that D(α)≊exp{-A[α-B(lnL)2]/(lnL)3}, where D(α)dα is the number of currents with α<-lnIi<α+dα; Ii is the current in bond i and A,B are constants. The current distribution is well approximated by a Gaussian with the mean varying with size as (lnL)2 while the variance varies as (lnL)3. As a result, both the most probable current and the minimum current scale in the same way with L as exp[-const(lnL)2]. In the opposite limit hLφ≫1, the distribution reduces to the trivial form of the one-component lattice. We examine the current distribution in a two-component random resistor network in the light of the analytic results.

  • Received 27 May 1992


©1992 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

K. W. Yu and P. Y. Tong

  • Department of Physics, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, New Territorities, Hong Kong

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Vol. 46, Iss. 18 — 1 November 1992

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