Oxygen on Cu(100) surface structure studied by scanning tunneling microscopy and by low-energy-electron-diffraction multiple-scattering calculations

Ch. Wöll, R. J. Wilson, S. Chiang, H. C. Zeng, and K. A. R. Mitchell
Phys. Rev. B 42, 11926 – Published 15 December 1990
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A scanning-tunneling-microscopy study for a surface formed by the chemisorption of oxygen on Cu(100) and displaying a (2 √2 × √2 )R45° low-energy-electron-diffraction (LEED) pattern shows the expected rotationally related domains but no unambiguous evidence for coexisting regions of c(2×2) symmetry. There is a clear pairing of atomic rows, but a low corrugation (≲0.2 Å). These features are consistent with results from a new LEED multiple-scattering analysis applied to six diffracted beams for normal incidence. The missing-row model recently proposed [Zeng et al., Surf. Sci. 208, L7 (1989)] is extended to include a 0.30-Å lateral relaxation for top-layer copper atoms adjacent to the missing rows, and small (around 0.10-Å) vertical relaxations in both the first and second copper layers. These features yield the best correspondence between experimental and calculated LEED intensities yet reached for this surface structure.

  • Received 2 July 1990


©1990 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Ch. Wöll, R. J. Wilson, and S. Chiang

  • IBM Almaden Research Center, 650 Harry Road, San Jose, California 95120-6099

H. C. Zeng and K. A. R. Mitchell

  • Department of Chemistry, University of British Columbia, 2036 Main Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada V6T 1Y6

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Vol. 42, Iss. 18 — 15 December 1990

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