ElectronLO-phonon interaction in semiconductor double heterostructures

C. Trallero Giner and F. Comas
Phys. Rev. B 37, 4583 – Published 15 March 1988
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The electronLO-phonon interaction Hamiltonian is deduced in a systematic way from a model of dispersive polar-optical vibrations for a semiconductor double heterostructure. LO phonons are introduced along the lines of the Born-Huang approach valid in the long-wavelength limit, while phonon confinement effects are included in a model which can be imagined as a jellium slab disposed between two rigid walls. The obtained Hamiltonian includes screening along the lines of the static three-dimensional (3D) Thomas-Fermi approximation and contains the 3D Frohlich Hamiltonian as a limiting case. The case of a single heterostructure is also contained as another limit. We compare our results with earlier works on the subject. Estimations of the polaronic energy shift and mass are reported.

  • Received 21 September 1987


©1988 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

C. Trallero Giner and F. Comas

  • Theoretical Physics Department, Havana University, San Lázaro y L, Havana, Cuba

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Vol. 37, Iss. 9 — 15 March 1988

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