Nitrogen-ion energy loss in Havar, nickel, Kapton, and Mylar foils

J. Räisänen and E. Rauhala
Phys. Rev. B 35, 1426 – Published 15 January 1987; Erratum Phys. Rev. B 38, 3560 (1988)
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The energy loss of 6.116.9-MeV Nn+14 ions in 2.0-μm Havar, 2.8-μm nickel, 10.6-μm Kapton, and 6.5-μm aluminized (40-nm Al) Mylar foils has been determined. The measured energy losses are compared with the calculated values obtained by using Bragg’s rule and the Andersen and Ziegler parameters for proton stopping with appropriate scaling for heavy ions. The maximum deviations from the calculated values observed for Havar, nickel, and Kapton foils were 7%, 4%, and 3%, respectively. The experimental results agree with the calculations in the case of the Mylar foil, in the 610-MeV energy region for Havar, and in the 1517-MeV energy region for nickel and Kapton foils.

  • Received 27 May 1986


©1987 American Physical Society


Authors & Affiliations

J. Räisänen and E. Rauhala

  • Accelerator Laboratory, University of Helsinki, Hameentie 100, SF-00550 Helsinki 55, Finland

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Vol. 35, Iss. 3 — 15 January 1987

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