• Rapid Communication

Secret sharing with a single d-level quantum system

Armin Tavakoli, Isabelle Herbauts, Marek Żukowski, and Mohamed Bourennane
Phys. Rev. A 92, 030302(R) – Published 21 September 2015


We give an example of a wide class of problems for which quantum-information protocols based on multisystem entanglement can be mapped into much simpler ones involving one system. Secret sharing is a cryptographic primitive which plays a central role in various secure multiparty computation tasks and management of keys in cryptography. In secret sharing protocols, a classical message is divided into shares given to recipient parties in such a way that some number of parties need to collaborate in order to reconstruct the message. Quantum protocols for the task commonly rely on multipartite GHZ entanglement. We present a multiparty secret sharing protocol which requires only sequential communication of a single quantum d-level system (for any prime d). It has huge advantages in scalability and can be realized with state-of-the-art technology.

  • Received 22 January 2015
  • Revised 27 March 2015


©2015 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Armin Tavakoli1, Isabelle Herbauts1, Marek Żukowski2, and Mohamed Bourennane1

  • 1Department of Physics, Stockholm University, SE-10691 Stockholm, Sweden
  • 2Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics, Uniwersytet Gdański, PL-80-952 Gdańsk, Poland

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Vol. 92, Iss. 3 — September 2015

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