Relativistic calculation of the 2 1S0–2 1,3P1 transitions in berylliumlike molybdenum and berylliumlike iron

Eva Lindroth and Jonas Hvarfner
Phys. Rev. A 45, 2771 – Published 1 March 1992
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The 21,3P12 1S0 transitions in berylliumlike molybdenum and berylliumlike iron have been calculated including all-order relativistic correlations due to the Coulomb as well as the Breit interaction. Important correlation corrections to the radiative contributions to the ground state were found due to the large admixture of p2 character in the 2 1S0 wave function. Comparison with experiment is done after the addition of the Lamb shift for the corresponding hydrogenlike systems and an estimate of the screening caused by the 1s2 electrons. The results of Mo38+ are 725 751±300 and 2 004 464±300 cm1 for the 2 1S02 3P1 and 2 1S02 1P1 transitions, respectively, which agree well with the experimental results 725 758±158 and 2 003 847±1200 cm1. The corresponding results for Fe22+ are 379 118±90 and 752 459±90 cm1, which can be compared to the experimental values 379 140±20 and 752 372±57 cm1. The uncertainty in the theoretical value is completely dominated by the uncertainty in the evaluation of the radiative effects in the electronic field.

  • Received 19 August 1991


©1992 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Eva Lindroth and Jonas Hvarfner

  • Department of Physics, Chalmers University of Technology, S-412 96 Göteberg, Sweden

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Vol. 45, Iss. 5 — March 1992

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