Electronic excitation and dissociation of O2 and S2 by electron impact

Bruce C. Garrett, Lynn T. Redmon, C. W. McCurdy, and Michael J. Redmon
Phys. Rev. A 32, 3366 – Published 1 December 1985
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The impact-parameter method is used to calculate integral cross sections for electronic excitation and dissociation of O2 and S2 by electron impact. For both molecules, excitations to bound and dissociative states are considered for transitions from the ground electronic state (X 3Σg) to the two lowest states of Σu3 symmetry (labeled B and E for O2 and B and 2 for S2) and the lowest state of Πu3 symmetry. The dependence of the cross sections upon initial vibrational and rotational states is studied for low collision energies (threshold to 25 eV). For some transitions a change in initial vibrational state can have a significant effect upon the cross sections, but, in general, the effect of changing the initial rotational state is small.

  • Received 26 December 1984


©1985 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Bruce C. Garrett, Lynn T. Redmon, C. W. McCurdy, and Michael J. Redmon

  • Chemical Dynamics Corporation, 1550 West Henderson Road, Columbus, Ohio 43220

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Vol. 32, Iss. 6 — December 1985

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