Black strings in Hořava-Lifshitz gravity

Alikram N. Aliev and Çetin Şentürk
Phys. Rev. D 84, 044010 – Published 2 August 2011


We examine a class of cylindrically symmetric solutions in Hořava-Lifshitz gravity. For the relativistic value of the coupling constant, λ=1, we find the hedgehog-type static black string solution with the nonvanishing radial shift in the Arnowitt-Deser-Misner-type decomposition of the spacetime metric. With zero radial shift, this solution corresponds to the usual Banados-Teitelboim-Zanelli (BTZ) black string in general relativity. However, unlike the general relativity case, the BTZ-type black strings do naturally exist in Hořava-Lifshitz gravity, without the need for any specific source term. We also find a rotating BTZ-type black string solution which requires the nonvanishing radial shift for its very existence. We calculate the mass and the angular momentum of this solution, using the canonical Hamiltonian approach. Next, we discuss the Lemos-type black string, which is inherent in general relativity with a negative cosmological constant, and present the static metric for any value of λ>1/3. Finally, we show that while, for λ=1, the entropy of the Lemos-type black string is given by one quarter of the horizon area, the entropy of the static BTZ-type black string is one half of its horizon area.

  • Received 3 June 2011


© 2011 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Alikram N. Aliev and Çetin Şentürk

  • Feza Gürsey Institute, Çengelköy, 34684 Istanbul, Turkey

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Vol. 84, Iss. 4 — 15 August 2011

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