Effect of the Short-Range Part of the Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction on the Properties of the Three-Nucleon System

O. P. Bahethi and M. G. Fuda
Phys. Rev. C 7, 1845 – Published 1 May 1973
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Some of the low-energy properties of the three-nucleon system are calculated with two s-wave spin-dependent interactions, which produce almost identical S13 and S01 two-nucleon phase shifts up to a lab energy of 350 MeV. Both interactions consist of an attractive square well and a short-range repulsion. The repulsive part of one potential is a hard core, for the other it is a nonlocal, separable potential. The hard-core potential produces a triton binding energy of 8.7 MeV, a doublet scattering length of 0.84 fm, and a quartet scattering length of 6.30 fm. The corresponding parameters calculated with the partly nonlocal potential are 8.8 MeV, 0.85 fm, and 6.31 fm. These results suggest that the low-energy properties of the three-nucleon system are insensitive to the details of the short-range part of the two-nucleon interaction.

  • Received 17 January 1973


©1973 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

O. P. Bahethi and M. G. Fuda

  • Department of Physics and Astromony, State University of New York, Buffalo, New York 14214

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Vol. 7, Iss. 5 — May 1973

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