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Spectroscopic evidence for formation of small polarons in doped manganites

A. Machida, Y. Moritomo, and A. Nakamura
Phys. Rev. B 58, R4281(R) – Published 15 August 1998
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Temperature dependence of absorption spectra for thin films of doped manganites R0.6Sr0.4MnO3, where R is a rare-earth atom, has been investigated by systematically changing the averaged ionic radius rA of perovskite A site. We have observed a specific absorption band at 1.5eV due to optical excitations from small polarons (SP). Spectral weight of the SP band increases with decreasing temperature and eventually disappears at the insulator-metal transition, indicating that SP in the paramagnetic state (T>~TC) changes into bare electrons (or large polarons) in the ferromagnetic state due to the enhanced one-electron bandwidth W. We further derived important physical quantities, i.e., W, on-site exchange interaction J, and binding energy Ep of SP, and discuss the material dependence of the stability of SP.

  • Received 17 February 1998


©1998 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

A. Machida, Y. Moritomo, and A. Nakamura

  • Department of Crystalline Materials Science, and Center for Integrated Research in Science and Engineering (CIRSE), Nagoya University, Nagoya 464-8603, Japan

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Vol. 58, Iss. 8 — 15 August 1998

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